Российская Информационная Сеть


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    lash at 
    • lash at накидываться; Fearlessly, Jim lashed at his attackers, and soon they all lay unconscious on the ground. The opposition speaker made a lively speech, lashing at the government for its recent inaction....

    expatiate v. 
    • expatiate v. распространяться, разглагольствовать (на какую-л. тему) (upon) Our next speaker will expatiate upon the question which was raised at the beginning of this meeting....

    relax v. 
    • relax v. 1) ослаблять(ся); расслаблять(ся); Please relax your grip on my arm. The crowd relaxed into laughter at the speaker's excellent joke....

    descant 2. v. 
    • descant 2. v. 1) подробно обсуждать, распространяться (upon/on) Would the speaker care to descant upon the subject raised by the questioner?...

    be above one`s head 
    • be above one's head быть слишком сложным для чьего-л. понимания I wanted to hear the speaker, but most of what he said was above my head, so I fell asleep....

    snipe 2. v. 
    • snipe 2. v. 2) язвить, делать язвительные замечания; иронизировать (над кем-л.); The opposition party put people in the crowd to snipe at the speaker....

    drone 2. v. 
    • drone 2. v. 2) бубнить, читать, петь монотонно (тж. drone on) As the teacher droned on, one by one the class fell asleep. Whatever is the speaker droning on about now?...

    expound v. 
    • expound v. 1) излагать (to) The society has printed a paper expounding the advantages of the plan to its members. The speaker has an hour to expound his views to the public....

    reinforce v. 
    • reinforce v. 1) усиливать; подкреплять; укреплять; The army was reinforced with a fresh group of soldiers. Any good speaker should be able to reinforce his argument with facts....

    refer v. 
    • refer v. 4) наводить справку, справляться; the speaker often referred to his notes - оратор часто заглядывал в текст; Refer to the dictionary when you don't know how to spell a word....

    deduce v. 
    • deduce v. 1) выводить (заключение, следствие, формулу) (from) What do you deduce from the voting figures? I deduce from the small crowd that the speaker is not very popular....

    rouse I 1. v. 
    • rouse I 1. v. 3) побуждать (to); воодушевлять; возбуждать; to rouse oneself - стряхнуть лень, встряхнуться; The speaker tried to rouse the crowd to excitement....

    drown out 
    • drown out а) заглушать Both the speaker and his speech were drowned out by the disapproval of the crowd. б) затоплять Many families were drowned out when the river hurst its banks....

    urge along on 
    • urge along on а) подгонять; гнать вперед; You must urge the children forward or we'll never get home. б) побуждать; The speaker tried to urge the crowd on to show their opposition to the new law....

    bargain on 
    • bargain on рассчитывать на кого-л., что-л. I'm bargaining on your help to drive us to the airport. Don't bargain on getting any support from her, she's very selfish. I wouldn't bargain on the speaker arriving soon, as he's got a long way to come....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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