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    subterfuge noun 
    ruse noun 
    serve out 
    • serve out а) раздавать, распределять; You can help to serve out the vegetables, while I cut the meat. б) coll. отплатить We will serve them out for the trick that they played on us. в) отбыть (срок наказания, срок службы и т.п.) When the thieves had served out two years in prison, they returned to a life of crime....

    deceive v. 
    • deceive v. обманывать; вводить в заблуждение (into - в чем-л.; with - чем-л.) The clever salesman deceived the old lady into lending him all her money for his business, by telling her that she would get rich. Advertisers are now forbidden to deceive the public with false claims. - deceive oneself - be deceived in Syn: see trick...

    fall for 
    • fall for а) coll. влюбляться; чувствовать влечение; поддаваться чему-л. Jim fell for Mary in a big way when they first met. The whole family fell for the new house as soon as they saw it. б) coll. попадаться на удочку Don't fall for that old trick, he's trying to persuade you to buy his goods....

    confidence noun 
    • confidence noun 4) самонадеянность, самоуверенность - confidence game - confidence trick - confidence man Syn: aplomb, poise, savoir faire, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-possession, smugness see trust Ant: anxiety, diffidence, doubt, hesitation, shyness, timidity...

    delude v. 
    • delude v. вводить в заблуждение (into), обманывать We have been deluded into false hopes by the government's meaningless promises. The clever salesman deluded the old lady into thinking that she would get rich if she lent him her money for his business. to delude oneself - заблуждаться; обманывать себя Syn: see trick...

    manoeuvre fr. 1. noun 
    serve 1. v. 
    • serve 1. v. 14) naut. клетневать - serve as - serve for - serve on - serve out - serve round - serve with it serves him (her) right! - поделом ему (ей)! - serve a trick...

    mislead v.; past and past part.misled 
    • mislead v.; past and past part.misled 2) сбивать с пути, толкать на дурной путь Syn: see trick...

    play 2. v. 
    • play 2. v. 25) dial. бастовать - play about - play along - play around - play back - play down - play in - play off - play on - play out - play over - play through - play up - play upon - play up - play up to to play smb. up - а) капризничать, приставать; б) разыгрывать (кого-л.); в) amer. использовать to play it by ear - принимать решение на месте, в зависимости от обстоятельств; to play it cool - вести себя спокойно, не суетиться - play for time - play hell - play havoc - play the devil - play the mischief to play one's cards well использовать обстоятельства наилучшим образом to play one's hand for all it is worth полностью использовать обстоятельства; пустить в ход все средства to play into the hands of smb. сыграть на руку кому-л. to play it low on smb. coll. подло поступить по отношению к кому-л. to play smb. for a fool amer. строить из кого-л. дурака to play smb. like a fish контролировать (кого-л.), легко управлять (кем-л.); The secret of the speaker's success was his ability to play his opponent like a fish. to play a trick on smb. надуть, обмануть кого-л. to play games with smb. amer. обманывать кого-л. to play to the gallery работать на публику - play politics - play ball to play both ends against the middle в собственных интересах натравливать друг на друга play (the) wag увиливать от занятий, прогуливать play a part а) играть роль; б) притворяться; play a winning game а) играть наверняка; б) действовать наверняка play about а) играть, забавляться; The seashore was full of children, playing about in the sand. б) манипулировать; Many important discoveries have been made by scientists playing around with unusual combinations of chemicals. в) coll. флиртовать, заводить любовную интрижку; I warned you not to play around with married women, it always leads to trouble. play along а) подыгрывать, поддакивать; We'll play along withhis suggestion, although it's not exactly what we wanted. б) тянуть, оттягивать время; The committee decided to play her along for a time, hoping to obtain her services for lower pay....

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