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    mug II coll. 2. v. 
    • mug II coll. 2. v. зубрить, усиленно готовиться к экзамену (часто mug up); I must mug up some facts about Shakespeare's language if I am to take the examination next week....

    remand 2. v. 
    • remand 2. v. 1) leg. отсылать обратно под стражу (для продолжения следствия); The prisoner had to be remanded for a week while the missing witness was found....

    go before 
    • go before а) жить/умереть раньше, чем кто-л. Let us remember all those who have gone before us, and have left us their example of Christian living. б) представать перед судом When you go before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. в) предлагаться на рассмотрение Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week....

    come together 
    • come together а) объединиться, собраться вместе The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding. Jim and Mary first came together during the war. б) сойтись (о мужчине и женщине) в) помириться I'm so glad that you two have decided to come together at last. The different parties in the peace talks came together last week' to give a statement....

    confine v. 
    • confine v. 1) ограничивать (в пределах чего-л.) (within) Doctors are trying to confine the disease within the city. I have been confined within these four walls for a week....

    fork out 
    • fork out coll. раскошелиться Father is complaining that he has to fork out more money to the children every week....

    remain v. 
    • remain v. 2) оставаться, пребывать на прежнем месте; My parents remained in England. Mother was advised to remain indoors for a week....

    rise 2. v. 
    • rise 2. v. 9) закрываться, прекращать работу (о съезде, сессии и т.п.); Parliament will rise next week - сессия парламента закрывается на будущей неделе...

    churn 2. v. 
    • churn 2. v. 1) сбивать (масло) (тж. churn out) The farmer has churned out more butter this week than last....

    live on 
    • live on а) продолжать жить; The baby lived on for a week after its mother died. б) находить достаточно пищи/дохода в чем-л.; I'm afraid that she will not be able to live on her writing....

    send before 
    • send before а) предавать в руки закона Peter was sent before the court last week on a charge of drunken driving. б) представить (вопрос, предложение и т. п.) на обсуждение Your suggestion will be sent before the board of directors at their next meeting....

    • haveout а) приглашать (на обед и т.д.) I'd like to have you out for dinner next week. б) выяснять After yesterday's argument, I called to see her brother to have it out with him. It's no use keeping your anger to yourself; let's have the whole matter out now. в) дать закончить Let Father have his sleep out, he's very tired....

    bring out in 
    • bring out in вызывать (какое-л. состояние) Eating all that rich food has brought Jane out in spots as usual. Don't mention what happened last week, it could bring him out in a temper....

    keep at 
    • keep at а) делать (что-л.) с упорством, настойчиво Ex he kept hard at work for a week он упорно работал целую неделю б) заставлять (кого-л.) делать (что-либо) в) приставать с просьбами She kept at me for a year to buy her a new coat, until in the end I agreed, just so as to have some peace from her....

    latter adj. comp. of late 1. 
    • latter adj. comp. of late 1. 1) недавний; in these latter days - в наше время; the latter half of the week - вторая половина недели...

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