Российская Информационная Сеть


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    blunder out 
    • blunder out сболтнуть, сказать глупость The Minister has been blundering out government secrets again....

    then 3. adj. 
    • then 3. adj. тогдашний, существовавший в то время; the then prime minister - тогдашний премьер-министр...

    leak to 
    • leak to рассказывать (секрет); Who is responsible for leaking the news of the Minister's dismissal to the newspapers?...

    fence off 
    • fence off отражать, отгонять The Minister skilfully fenced off the Opposition's attack with some searching questions of his own....

    fix with 
    • fix with а) уладить; привести в порядок; урегулировать; договориться Can you fix it with the Minister so that the meeting will be delayed? б) смотреть на кого-л. каким-л. образом Fixing the boy with a steady look, the teacher forced him to tell the truth....

    institute 2. v. 
    • institute 2. v. 3) назначать, устраивать (на должность и т. п.) (into/to) Tuesday has been fixed as the date for instituting the minister into his new living. Syn: see begin...

    hint 2. v. 
    • hint 2. v. намекать (at - на) The government minister hinted at an early election, but refused to give an exact date....

    elevate v. 
    • elevate v. 2) повышать (по службе) (to) The Queen rewarded the Minister for years of faithful service by elevating him to the House of Lords....

    nurse I 2. v. 
    • nurse I 2. v. 10) ласкать Syn: care for, mind, minister, tend Ant: slight II noun гренландская или вест-индская акула...

    lead up to 
    • lead up to а) постепенно подготовлять; The newspapers faithfully reported the events that led up to the Minister's dismissal. б) наводить разговор на что-л.; The speaker took far too long leading up to his main point....

    be up for grabs 
    • be up for grabs драться за тёпленькое местечко Since the minister died suddenly, his seat in Parliament is up for grabs....

    prefer v. 
    • prefer v. 2) повышать (в чине); продвигать (по службе); The Queen has agreed to prefer the Minister to a seat in the House of Lords....

    slur over 
    • slur over замалчивать, обходить молчанием; принижать значение (чего-л.) The Minister tried to slur over his department's mistake although it had cost the taxpayers a lot of money....

    doze 2. v. 
    • doze 2. v. дремать (тж. doze off) Did the Minister notice that I dozed off in the middle of his speech?...

    strive v. 
    • strive v. 2) бороться (against, with - против); The minister begged the worshippers to strive against evil. Syn: see try...

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  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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