Российская Информационная Сеть


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    foul up 
    • foul up портить Don't foul up this chance. I hope the chairman won't foul things up, we have everything arranged nicely. The post is fouled up by Christmas delays....

    confide v. 
    • confide v. 3) признаваться, сообщать по секрету (to) She confided her secret to her best friend. The firm's plans were confided only to the chairman and the directors. Syn: see entrust...

    cut short 
    • cut short а) сокращать I'm afraid we must cut our visit short, as we want to get home before dark. б) прекращать разговор The chairman will cut a speaker short if he talks too long....

    conflict 2. v. 
    • conflict 2. v. 1) быть в конфликте (with) My opinions conflict with yours. The chairman's opinion conflicted with that of the rest of the committee. Doesn't the prisoner's story conflict with the known facts?...

    replace v. 
    • replace v. 3) заменять, замещать (by, with); impossible to replace - незаменимый; We suggest replacing the present chairman with a younger person. Syn: displace, supersede, supplant Ant: conserve, keep, repair, save...

    preside v. 
    • preside v. 1) председательствовать (на) (at, over); The Minister was asked to preside at the independence ceremonies. Who will preside over the committee meeting while the chairman is away?...

    clash with 
    • clash with а) расходиться (о взглядах) The chairman's opinion clashed with that of the rest of the committee. б) сталкиваться с кем-л. (бороться) Greek forces clashed with Turks in the hills....

    spout 2. v. 
    • spout 2. v. 3) coll. разглагольствовать, ораторствовать (тж. spout off); He's not fit to be chairman, he has a bad habit of spouting off about things that concern him, without thinking of the results of what he says; to spout poetry - декламировать стихи...

    chime in with 
    • chime in with а) подходить, соответствовать My opinion chimes in with yours. The blue dress chimes in with the colour of her eyes. б) соглашаться с кем-л. The chairman chimed in with the decision of the committee....

    depute v. 
    • depute v. 2) передавать полномочия (to) The chairman is unable to attend the meeting, so he has deputed his voting power to the secretary. I have deputed the keeping of the accounts to John while I am in hospital....

    chop off 
    • chop off а) отрубать The king's head was chopped off. You could improve the tree by chopping off some of the upper branches. б) прерывать кого-л. The chairman chopped the speaker off in mid-sentence....

    go with 
    • go with а) сопровождать Don't leave me alone, let me go with you! We enjoyed our holiday, although we went with our neighbours. б) быть заодно с кем-л. Do you always go with the chairman? в) подходить, гармонировать; согласовываться, соответствовать I like the way the blue carpet goes with the gold curtains. Oranges go surprisingly well with duck. go with a run идти как по маслу go without обходиться без чего-л. If there's no sugar you will have to go without; it won't do you any harm anyway....

    deputize v. 
    • deputize v. 3) замещать (кого-л.; for) I would like you to deputize for me as chairman while I am on holiday....

    start off 
    • start off а) начинать путешествие (for/on); The children were always excited to start off on a camping trip; б) начинать говорить; The chairman started off by attacking the first speaker....

    change over 
    • change over а) менять(ся) местами Can we change over? I'd like to sit in the sun, too. If you change the words over, the sentence sounds better. б) переходить на что-л. (to) In 1971 Britain changed over to decimal money. The chairman decided to change the factory over to bicycle production....

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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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