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    wash 2. v. 
    • wash 2. v. 1) мыть(ся); обмывать, отмывать, смывать, промывать; стирать; to wash clean - отмыть дочиста...

    litter 2. v. 
    • litter 2. v. 3) разбрасывать в беспорядке (вещи и т. п.) (тж. litter up/about/around); сорить; I can't possibly clean this room with all your clothes littered about (it)!...

    stainless adj. 
    • stainless adj. 3) tech. устойчивый против коррозии; stainless steel - нержавеющая сталь Syn: see clean...

    pollute v. 
    • pollute v. 3) развращать; Parents are afraid that their children's minds will be polluted with the violence that they see on television. Syn: adulterate, contaminate, pervert, vitiate Ant: clean, purge, purify, sterilize...

    soil II v. 
    • soil II v. пачкать(ся), грязнить(ся); fig. запятнать; to soil one's hands with smth. - марать руки чем-л. Syn: besmirch, dirty, smudge, sully Ant: bleach, clean, purify...

    slop out 
    • slop out а) выносить помои When you've slopped out the waste bucket, clean it thoroughly. б) выносить парашу Have all the prisoners finished slopping out?...

    rake I 2. v. 
    • rake I 2. v. 1) сгребать, загребать; заравнивать, подчищать граблями (тж. rake level, rake clean); чистить скребком...

    beat against 
    • beat against ударять обо что-л. My grandmother used to clean her mats by beating them against the wall of the house. The rain was beating against the windows....

    rinse 2. v. 
    • rinse 2. v. 1) полоскать; to rinse out one's mouth - выполоскать рот; After you've washed your hair, rinse it twice with clean warm water....

    slave 2. v. 
    • slave 2. v. работать как раб, надрываться; I get so tired of slaving at this work day after day. By slaving away for two hours, I at last got the cooker clean....

    request 2. v. 
    • request 2. v. 1) просить (позволения и т.п.); It's not too much to request of you to clean your own shoes....

    mask 2. v. 
    • mask 2. v. 1) маскировать, скрывать (with); Doctors and nurses working in an operating theatre have to mask their noses and mouths with a specially clean cloth; She masked her suffering with a cheerful smile, and no one doubted her pretended happiness....

    dust 2. v. 
    • dust 2. v. 3) посыпать сахарной пудрой, мукой и т.п. - dust down - dust off to dust the eyes of - обманывать кого-л. Syn: see clean...

    come down on 
    • come down on а) требовать от кого-л. The debt collector came down on us for payment. Mother came down on me to clean my room. б) наказывать кого-л. The courts will come down (heavily) on young criminals. в) ругать кого-л. The director came down on Jim for being late again. г) решать в пользу кого-л. The chairman will have to come down on one side or the other soon....

    breast 1. noun 
    • breast 1. noun 6) mining грудь забоя to make a clean breast of it - чистосердечно сознаться в чем-л....

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