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    marriage bonds 
    marriage noun 
    contract a disease 
    in-and-in adj. 
    run out 
    • run out а) выбегать Lots of people ran out to see what had caused the noise. б) вытекать The water runs in at this end and runs out at the other. в) кончаться, иссякать The contract runs out next week. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has run out? I've run out of coffee. г) выдвигаться, выступать (о строении и т.п.); The pier runs out into the sea. д) выдыхаться; задыхаться (во время бега) I've run myself out, I can't go any further. е) amer. выгнать If he refuses to leave town, the boys will run him out. ж) обходиться, стоить; достигать (at) The total area runs out at 25,000 square miles. з) закончить гонку и) naut. травиться, сучиться (о тросе, канате) Run the rope out a little at a time. к) покинуть, бросить (on - кого-л.); сбежать (on - от кого-л.) You can't run out on your family at a time like this. л) coll. не выполнять (соглашение, обязательства и т.п.) (on) You can't run out on the contract, or you could be taken to court....

    • 2. v. 7) торжественно узаконить; to seal a marriage сочетать браком...

    be off to 
    • be off to начинать с чего-л. If Jim and Mary are quarrelling already, it looks as if their marriage is off to a bad start....

    see after 
    • see after смотреть, следить за кем-л., чем-л.; заботиться о ком-л., чем-л. see after the luggage присмотрите за багажом Who's going to see after the visitors when they arrive? I'll see after the details of the contract....

    break up 
    • break up а) разбивать (на мелкие куски) to break up into groups, categories делить на группы, категории; классифицировать Freezing weather will break up the soil (into smaller pieces). In spring the ice on the Great Lakes breaks up. б) слабеть в) расходиться (о собрании, компании и т.п.) The crowd broke up. г) закрываться на каникулы When does your school break up? We break up next week. д) распускать (учеников на каникулы) е) расформировывать ж) меняться (о погоде) з) заканчивать(ся) The police broke up the fight. "Break it up!" shouted the policeman. The party broke up when the police arrived. и) разводиться Their marriage broke up. I hear that Jim and Mary are breaking up. It was money trouble that broke up their marriage. к) чувствовать страх, тревогу; пугать кого-л. The terrible news will break him up. The death of his pet cat broke him up. He may break up under this trouble. л) позабавить кого-л. His story broke me up, I couldn't stop laughing. Peter just broke up when we told him what had happened....

    rig II 2. v. 
    • rig II 2. v. действовать нечестно; добиваться (чего-л.) обманным путем; He's sure to have rigged up some method of beating the other firm to the contract. - rig the market...

    sew up 
    • sew up а) зашивать; Would you sew up this tear in my coat? б) coll. закончить, 'закруглить' The contract was all sewn up. в) обеспечить себе (что-л.), увериться (в чем-л.) I want to sew up as many votes in the election as possible....

    be in at 
    • be in at а) завершать работу Having put all this work into the plan, I want to be in at the finish. б) быть свидетелем исполнения чего-л. I hope to be in at the death when the firm at last signs that big contract....

    part over 
    • part over расставаться по причине чего-л.; After years of marriage, the husband and wife parted over his relationships with other women....

    heal over 
    • heal over (о ссоре) заканчиваться It was a long time before the bitter quarrel between the two families healed over, with the marriage between two of their children, one from each family....

    stipulate for 
    • stipulate for выговаривать себе что-л.; The other firm are stipulating for an early exchange of information regarding the contract....

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