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    L.C. I Law Court noun 
    law-court noun 
    sue v. 
    • sue v. 2) просить (to - кого-л., for - о чем-л.); to sue to a law-court for redress - искать защиты у суда - sue out Syn: see plead...

    come v. 
    • come v. 1) приходить, подходить help came in the middle of the battle - в разгар боя подошла помощь one shot came after another - выстрелы следовали один за другим to come before the Court - предстать перед судом...

    entice away 
    • entice away увлечь, переманить Can I take him to court for enticing my wife away? The other firm has enticed away our best secretary....

    come under 
    • come under а) относиться Your suggestion comes under (the general heading of) reorganization. б) подпадать This area comes under the powers of the local court. In his youth he came under the influence of Beethoven. в) подвергаться The town came under attack again last night....

    ground 2. v. 
    • ground 2. v. 4) обучать основам предмета (in) I don't know how well this young lawyer performs in court, but at least he's well grounded in the principles of such cases....

    swoon 2. v. 
    • swoon 2. v. 3) потерять голову, впадать в экстаз (with - от); Hearing the news, the ladies of the court swooned with joy. Syn: see faint...

    discuss v. 
    • discuss v. 1) обсуждать, дискутировать (with) I've discussed the matter with my lawyer, and we have decided to settle the case out of court. Have you been discussing me with your friends?...

    inn noun 
    • inn noun гостиница; постоялый двор the Inns of Court - четыре юридические корпорации, готовящие адвокатов (the Inner Temple, the MiddleTemple, Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn) Syn: see hotel...

    restitute v. 
    • restitute v. 1) возмещать (ущерб, убытки); The court ordered the people living in the house to restitute it to its rightful owners....

    restore v. 
    • restore v. 3) отдавать обратно; возвращать; The court will make every effort to restore the child to his mother. After his trial, the captain's command was restored to him....

    distrain v. 
    • distrain v. leg. накладывать арест на имущество в обеспечение долга (upon - на что-л.) The owner may ask the court for an order to distrain upon the furniture of any person who fails to pay his rent....

    send before 
    • send before а) предавать в руки закона Peter was sent before the court last week on a charge of drunken driving. б) представить (вопрос, предложение и т. п.) на обсуждение Your suggestion will be sent before the board of directors at their next meeting....

    bow I 2. v. 
    • bow I 2. v. 2) кланяться (before/to - кому-л.) All the men in the court bowed (down) before the king as he entered. to bow and scrape - раболепствовать to bow one's thanks - поклониться в знак благодарности to bow out - откланяться, распрощаться; удалиться he was bowed out of the room - его с поклонами проводили из комнаты...

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