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    lock away 
    • lock away а) спрятать под замок, запереть; Although the jewels were locked away (in a strongbox), the thieves stole them without any difficulty. б) держать секрет; She locked her memories of him away in her heart....

    come first 
    walk off 
    • walk off а) уходить; We said goodbye; then he turned and walked off without another word. б) уводить; в) coll. унести, украсть (with); Someone got in and walked off with the jewels while we were out. г) одержать легкую победу (with); Jim walks off with the top prize every year, it hardly seems fair to the others....

    creep up on 
    • creep up on а) подкрадываться The thief crept up on the jewels. The cat crept up on the mouse. б) постепенно увеличиваться Darkness was creeping up on the house. Doubt crept up on me about his truthfulness....

    sidle v. 
    • sidle v. (под)ходить бочком, робко, украдкой (up to, away from, along); She sidled away from me, and I didn't notice that she had left. I opened the door, and the cat sidled in. A man sidled up (to me) and offered to sell me some jewels...

    be back 
    • be back а) возвращаться I'll be back when you least expect me. б) вновь входить в моду Long skirts will be back next year. в) положить что-л. на прежнее место When I returned from the police station, the jewels were back in their box; the thieves must have got frightened and replaced them....

    bar up 
    • bar up запирать на засов When the family left the house for the winter, they barred the windows up....

    set beside 
    • set beside сравнивать, сопоставлять (что-л., кого-л. с чем-л., кем-л.) Money seems unimportant when set beside the joys of family life....

    make away with 
    • make away with а) избавиться, отделаться от чего-л., кого-л.; убить кого-л.; make away with oneself покончить с собой, совершить самоубийство; б) сбежать с краденым; The police gave chase, but the thieves made away with the jewels....

    conspire v. 
    • conspire v. устраивать заговор, тайно замышлять; сговариваться (against - против кого-л.; with - с кем-л.) The men who tried to destroy Parliament with explosives were punished with death for conspiring against the King. The thieves conspired with the servants to steal the jewels. all things conspireed to please him - все было для него словно по заказу, все ему благоприятствовало...

    walk away 
    • walk away а) уходить; to walk away from smb. обгонять кого-л. без труда; б) уводить; в) coll. унести, украсть (with); Someone got in and walked away with the jewels while we were out. г) оставаться целым и невредимым (после аварии); How could he walk away from a crash like that without a mark on him? д) легко победить; I knew we were going to walk away from the other team....

    convict 2. v. 
    • convict 2. v. 1) leg. признавать виновным в чем-л. (of); выносить приговор The prisoner was convicted of robbery. The prisoner was convicted of stealing the jewels....

    lean on 
    • lean on а) зависеть; You have to make your own way in the world, and not lean on your father for the rest of your life. б) припугнуть; We might have to lean on Jim a little to make him tell us where the jewels are hidden....

    clean out 
    • clean out а) очистить I hope you've cleaned out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time. б) coll. обворовать, 'обчистить' The thieves cleaned out the store. в) в спешке убегать The thieves took the jewels and then cleaned out....

    gum II 2. v. 
    • gum II 2. v. 1) склеивать(ся) (тж. gum down/on/up) This old stamp isn't sticky any more; I shall have to gum it down onto the envelope. I spent hours sticking the photographs into the family book, and my fingers got all gummed up....

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