Российская Информационная Сеть


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     выборка описание
    battle for 
    • battle for сражаться, бороться за что-л. Our team and their opponents battled for the prize in the football match. Some rare wild animals are battling for their existence....

    look through 
    • look through а) смотреть в (окно и т.п.); The boys watched the football match, by looking through a hole in the fence. б) просматривать что-л.; I'll look through my notes but I don't think I have a record of his name. в) видеть кого-л. насквозь; Every time I try to fool him, he looks through me/my tricks г) не замечать; I said good morning but she looked straight through me and walked on....

    cheer 2. v. 
    • cheer 2. v. 2) ободрять; поощрять одобрительными восклицаниями кого-л. (for) Let's go to the football game and cheer for our favourite team. - cheer on...

    pour through 
    • pour through а) литься сквозь (о свете и т.п.); There's a hole in the roof, and the rain is pouring through! б) валить сквозь/через (о толпе); When the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters poured through (them)....

    pile into 
    • pile into coll. а) входить гурьбой, вваливаться; As soon as the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters piled into the ground. б) наваливаться (на еду, работу и т.д.); ввязываться (в драку и.т.д.); If everyone piles into the job, we'll soon get it finished. Why do you have to pile into every street fight?...

    club III 1. noun 
    relegate v. 
    • relegate v. 3) переводить в низшую категорию; низводить; sport переводить в низшую лигу; If they don't win more games, the football team may be relegated to a lower group....

    pile off/out 
    • pile off/out coll. выходить (откуда-л.) толпой, гурьбой, вываливаться; The train stopped, and crowds of passengers piled off. After the game, crowds of football supporters piled out....

    league II 1. noun 
    • league II 1. noun лига, союз; in league with smb. - в союзе с кем-л. Syn: alliance, coalition, confederacy, confederation, federation, union see club Ant: disunion, division, isolation, secession, separation...

    pour in 
    • pour in а) валить (о дыме, о толпе); When the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters poured in. б) сыпаться (о новостях и т.п.); Letters pour in from all quarters письма сыплются отовсюду. в) coll. вкладывать (деньги); Unless the government pours more money in, the whole shipbuilding industry will fail....

    pile in 
    • pile in coll. а) входить гурьбой, вваливаться; As soon as the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters piled in. б) наваливаться (на еду, работу и т.д.); ввязываться (в драку и т. д.); If everyone piles in, we'll soon have the job finished. He could never pass a street fight without piling in. в) (on) овладевать, охватывать; Unpleasant memories have been piling in on me since that meeting with my old enemy....

    knock back 
    • knock back а) пить (большое количество жидкости) How can Gordon knock back eight pints of beer every Saturday afternoon while he watches the football game on television? б) стоить кому-л. That car must have knocked her back a few pounds!...

    association noun 
    televise v. 
    • televise v. 1) передавать телевизионную программу, показывать по телевидению; to televise a football game - передавать (по телевидению) футбольный матч...

    stick on 
    • stick on а) coll. включить; Stick the radio on, will you. I want to hear the news; б) coll. оставаться на рабочем месте; I don't want to stick on here for the rest of my life! в) coll. добавлять; British Rail might stick on an additional train to carry the football supporters....

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