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    historical adj. 
    • historical adj. исторический; исторически установленный; относящийся к истории, связанный с историей historical film - исторический фильм historical picture - историческая картина...

    run back 
    • run back а) восходить к (определенному периоду) His family line runs back to the Conquest. б) прослеживать до (источника, начала и т.п.) If we run the story back to its origin, we might understand the cause. в) припоминать (over) Let's run back over what has just been said. г) прокрутить назад (пленку) Would you please run the film back....

    talk 1. noun 
    fair II 1. adj. 
    • fair II 1. adj. 3) посредственный, средний fair to middling - так себе, неважный this film was only fair - фильм был весьма посредственный...

    parody 1. noun 
    package 1. noun 
    • package 1. noun 6) комплексная сделка (тж. package deal); соглашение; предложение (тж. package offer); the government has announced a package of measures to help the British film industry - package plan - wage package - anti-inflation package...

    flash back 
    • flash back возвращаться к прошлому The film flashed back to the earlier scene, so that we understood her reasons. My mind flashed back to last Christmas....

    see through 
    • see through а) видеть насквозь I see through your little game. He's a poor liar; anyone can see through him. б) доводить до конца to see smb. through smth. помогать кому-л. в чем-л. We must see this plan through now that we've started it. в) быть, присутствовать (где-л.) с начала до конца I'd much rather see the film through from the beginning. г) помогать, поддерживать (обыкн. в беде, в тяжёлую минуту) This money should see you through till the end of the month. This money should see you through the week....

    travelogue noun 
    full-length adj. 
    • full-length adj. 2) полный; без сокращений a full-length film - полнометражный фильм...

    be up to 
    • be up to а) быть способным сделать что-л. I'm not up to such hard work in this hot weather. Mother hasn't been up to much recently, while her leg was bad. I'm not up to going out tonight, I have a headache. б) делать (как правило, что-л. плохое) I'd better go into the children's room and see what they're up to. That boy's been up to no good, I can tell from the look on his face. в) соответствовать (стандарту) Your latest effort isn't up to much. Your recent work has not been up to your usual standard. The new film is not up to his last one. Was the hook up to your expectations? г) зависеть от кого-л. It's up to you to keep the boy out of trouble. д) знать о чем-л. (секретном) Don't worry, I'm up to all his little tricks....

    silent adj. 
    feature 1. noun 
    see out 
    • see out а) встречать на улице; видеть (что-л.) за окном, снаружи The window is so dirty that I cant see out. I saw your mother out yesterday; does that mean her leg is better? б) провожать (до дверей, к выходу) Don't trouble to see me out, I know the way. в) выпроваживать г) пережить (кого-л., что-л.) Grandfather won't see out another month. Will our supplies see the winter out? д) досидеть до конца (спектакля и т.п.) I'll see this film out, though it isn't as good as I thought it would be. е) довести (что-л.) до (благополучного) конца, завершить The course is terrible, but I'll see it out now that I've paid for it. ж) провожать (старый год) At midnight we see out the old year and see in the new....

    television noun 
    • television noun 4) attr. телевизионный; теле- - television aerial - television antenna - television announcer - television broadcasting - television camera - television centre - television channel - television commentator - television diary - television film - television producer - television programme - television series - television serial - television star - television station...

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