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    head for 
    • head for а) достигать It looks as if the firm is heading for another record year! б) рисковать You're heading for an accident if you drive after drinking alcohol....

    capitalize on 
    • capitalize on извлекать выгоду из чего-л. You should capitalize on every chance you get to improve your English. The firm was able to capitalize on the mistakes made by its competitors....

    confide v. 
    • confide v. 3) признаваться, сообщать по секрету (to) She confided her secret to her best friend. The firm's plans were confided only to the chairman and the directors. Syn: see entrust...

    gobble up 
    • gobble up а) поглощать в больших количествах The big old car gobbles up petrol. Some students gobble up information as fast as they receive it. б) побеждать It's difficult for a small firm not to be gobbled up by big business concerns....

    float 2. v. 
    • float 2. v. 8) пустить в ход (торговое предприятие, проект) (тж. float on/upon) When will it be time to float the new firm on the open market?...

    convey v. 
    • convey v. 1) перевозить, переправлять (пассажиров, товары); транспортировать (to) This train conveys passengers to London. The firm conveys goods to all parts of the country....

    go under 
    • go under а) тонуть After the explosion, it only took half an hour for the ship to go under. б) гибнуть; amer. умирать в) исчезать г) разоряться At first Jim's father thought his firm would go under, but after a short struggle he made a success of the business. д) не выдерживать (испытаний, страданий) е) заходить, закатываться (о солнце)...

    mark out 
    • mark out а) размечать; расставлять указательные знаки; Now that it's spring, we must mark the tennis court out ready for play. б) выделять, предназначать; The directors have had you marked out as worthy of consideration for a better position in the firm....

    stimulate v. 
    • stimulate v. 2) побуждать; поощрять (into/to); The workers must be stimulated to greater effort by an offer to share in the firm's profits. Syn: enliven, excite, galvanize, titillate, whet Ant: deaden, dull, enervate, quell, subdue...

    hinge 2. v. 
    • hinge 2. v. 3) fig. вращаться вокруг чего-л.; зависеть (on - от) The story hinges on the relationship between the two sisters. The case hinges upon the judge's opinion of the prisoner's character. All our hopes hinged on the firm's success....

    recoup v. 
    • recoup v. 1) компенсировать, возмещать; to recoup a person for loss/damage - возмещать кому-л. убытки; Will you be recouped for your travelling costs while on the firm's business?...

    be between 
    • be between находиться между чем-л., кем-л. The bank is between the shoe shop and the post office. In this photograph, I'm between Fred and my mother. be between ourselves, be between you and me, be between you, me, and the gatepost являться секретом Remember that everything I've told you of the firm's plans is between ourselves. There is news that the Minister is to leave is to leave, but that's between you, me, and the gatepost....

    channel off 
    • channel off а) расходиться (в разных направлениях); растекаться The engineers channelled off the rising water of the river to avoid flooding б) направлять на разные цели A certain amount of the firm's money was channelled off for training purposes....

    step up 
    • step up а) подойти; Would Mr Fisher please step up to receive his prize?; б) продвигать; выдвигать; в) увеличивать; ускорять; The firm will have to step up production if it is to defeat its competitors; г) electr. повышать напряжение; д) ставить (мачту и т.д.); Has the mast been properly stepped up?...

    check off 
    • check off а) записывать что-л. The teacher checked the children's names off as they entered. б) заканчивать работу The workers in this factory check off at 5.00. в) удерживать из заработной платы (профсоюзные взносы и т.п.) This firm has arranged to check off your union membership money from your pay before you get it....

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