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     выборка описание
    outside 4. prep. 
    • outside 4. prep. 1) вне, за пределами, за пределы (тж. outside of); outside the door - за дверью; outside the city limits - за городской чертой...

    happen along 
    • happen along coll. случайно зайти Guess who happened along while I was waiting for the bus? My old neighbour from the other city!...

    make towards 
    • make towards двигаться по направлению к кому-л., чему-л.; Traffic making towards the city is being delayed this morning....

    remark upon 
    • remark upon высказывать мнение, высказываться (о чем-л.); The variety of styles of building in our city is often remarked upon by visitors....

    of prep. 
    • of prep. 21) вводит приложение the city of New York - город Нью-Йорк by the name of John - по имени Джон...

    remark on 
    • remark on высказывать мнение, высказываться (о чем-л.); The variety of styles of building in our city is often remarked upon by visitors....

    point out 
    • point out указывать; показывать; обращать (чье-л.) внимание; The guide took us through the city, pointing interesting sights out ....

    dawn 2. v. 
    • dawn 2. v. 1) (рас)светать (on, upon - где-л.) A grey day dawned upon the sleeping city....

    people 2. v. 
    • people 2. v. 1) заселять, населять; The city is becoming peopled with foreigners....

    close off 
    • close off блокировать (дорогу, проход) The police have closed off the streets so that the President can drive through the city free of traffic....

    cover 2. v. 
    • cover 2. v. 5) расстилаться; распространяться the city covers ten square miles - город занимает десять квадратных миль...

    sentence 2. v. 
    • sentence 2. v. 2) обречь; Many fine old houses in the city are being sentenced to destruction. Syn: condemn, convict, doom Ant: exonerate, free, liberate...

    embosom v. 
    • embosom v. 2) окружать (in/with) The poet's home was in a northern city embosomed in mountains. trees embosoming the house - окружающие дом деревья...

    loan 2. v. 
    • loan 2. v. mainly amer. давать взаймы, ссужать (to); Money which has been loaned to city councils by the central government can be repaid at a tow rate of interest...

    contrast 2. v. 
    • contrast 2. v. 1) противополагать (with) We can contrast this story, set in a large modern city, with this other one that tells of life on a lonely farm....

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