Российская Информационная Сеть


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     выборка описание
    leave II v.; past and past part. left 
    bar up 
    • bar up запирать на засов When the family left the house for the winter, they barred the windows up....

    pan off 
    • pan off промывать золотоносный песок; You dip the pan into the bed of the stream, and then pan off the sand and dirt, hoping that some gold will be left....

    come in on 
    • come in on а) присоединиться к чему-л. Can I come in on your plan? б) окружать кого-л., доставляя неудобства I don't like big rooms with crowds of people coming in on me. в) напомнить Suddenly it came in on me that I had left the key behind. Just then it came in on me where I had seen her before....

    branch off 
    • branch off разветвляться; отходить от главного направления Take the little path which branches off to the left....

    diverge v. 
    • diverge v. 2) отклоняться; уклоняться (to) At the end of the wood, the path diverges to the left....

    disappear v. 
    • disappear v. 1) исчезать; скрываться (from) My blue bag has disappeared from the shelf where I left it....

    recede v. 
    • recede v. 6) убывать, спадать, идти на убыль; As the sea receded, many beautiful shells were left behind....

    rebel 2. v. 
    • rebel 2. v. 3) coll. возмущаться; Rebelling at waiting any longer for the meal, they left the restaurant....

    percolate v. 
    • percolate v. 1) просачиваться, проникать сквозь; проходить; The liquid percolated through, and the solids were left behind....

    creep up 
    • creep up накапливаться, постепенно увеличиваться Darkness was creeping up as the travellers left the forest....

    slip up 
    • slip up а) споткнуться; б) coll. совершить ошибку Someone must have slipped up - the note should have left the office two weeks ago....

    bob up 
    • bob up а) появляться на поверхности, всплывать If you try to sink an apple in water, it will keep bobbing up. б) появляться неожиданно Jim bobbed up just when we were sure that he had left....

    glance down 
    • glance down быстро прочитывать As she glanced down the list, she saw that she had left out a name....

    die off 
    • die off а) отмирать б) умирать один за другим The trees-have been dying off during the severe winter, and there are few left. The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease....

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