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    parcel 1. noun 
    • parcel 1. noun 4) участок (земли); These small parcels of land were purchased by local people....

    petition 2. v. 
    • petition 2. v. 1) обращаться с петицией; подавать прошение, ходатайствовать; The local peoplehave petitioned the council for improved street lighting. The defence lawyers decided to petition for a new trial....

    plod 2. v. 
    • plod 2. v. 1) брести, тащиться (тж. plod on, plod along); идти, двигаться тяжело без остановок; We plodded under the weight of a burden. All that we could hear were the footsteps of the local policeman plodding along....

    pare v. 
    • pare v. 3) урезывать, сокращать; The US can pare back its military presence in Asia as well. Local authorities must pare their budgets. - pare away - pare down - pareoff...

    parent noun 
    • parent noun 8) вышестоящий (об организации); Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management. - parent state...

    parlance noun 
    • parlance noun язык, манера говорить или выражаться; - in legal parlance - in common parlance Under the Communists local councils became, in official parlance, 'agencies of the state authority.'...

    party I 2. adj. 
    • party I 2. adj. партийный; - party affiliation - party card - party leader - party man - party member - party membership - party organization - party local - party unit - party nucleus...

    idiom noun 
    point up 
    • point up а) заострять, придавать остроту, усиливать; The writer has pointed up his story with an effective use of local scenery. Recent world figures of average incomes point up the ever-widening distance between rich and poor nations. б) делать грубым, шероховатым; This wall should be pointed up, it will help to make the cement stick....

    option noun 
    • option noun 1) выбор, право выбора/замены; I have no option - у меня нет выбора; - local option...

    colour 1. noun 
    government noun 
    adverb noun 
    • adverb noun gram. наречие - dangling adverb - adverb of degree - illative adverbs - interrogative adverb - local adverb - adverb of manner - restrictive adverbs adverb of degree наречие степени adverb of manner наречие образа действия...

    bring in 
    • bring in а) вводить Bring the washing in, it's raining. б) приносить (доход) The sale brought in over $250. The boys are bringing in good wages every week. в) вносить (законопроект, предложение) The government intends to bring in a new law about wearing safety belts in cars. The influence of the Far East has brought in many new fashions. г) выносить (приговор) to bring in guilty выносить обвинительный приговор д) ввозить, импортировать е) собирать урожай (зерна) The farmers are bringing the apples in early this year because of the warm weather. ж) просить кого-л. о помощи The council are pleased with the results of bringing ordinary citizens in on local library planning We may have to bring extra workers in to help us with this big job. з) приводить кого-л. в полицейский участок The policeman brought in two boys whom he had caught stealing....

    go out 
    • go out а) выйти; выходить I don't think you should go out with that bad cold. б) бывать в обществе Let's go out tonight; there's a good film showing at the local cinema. в) выйти в свет (о книге) г) выйти в отставку д) выйти из моды I thought those ancient machines went out years ago! е) тратиться (о деньгах) There's more money going out than coming in, and I'm worried about the business. ж) кончаться (о месяце, годе) March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. з) (за)бастовать The Post Office workers went out before Christmas, now the electricians are out. I wonder who'll come out next? и) amer. обрушиться к) потерпеть неудачу If the government goes out at the next election, who will lead the country? л) распространяться (о новостях, приказах и т.д.) I thought the wedding invitations had all gone out, but my sister says she hasn't received hers. м) (об огне, свете и т.д.) догореть, погаснуть Have you a match? My cigarette has gone out. Don't let the fire go out; there's plenty of wood. н) умереть I hope that when I go out I shall leave a better world behind me. о) выйти из берегов When the sea goes out, the sand stretches for a long way. п) терять сознание The robber hit him on the head with an iron bar, and he went out like a light....

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