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    place 2. v. 
    • place 2. v. 5) делать заказ; - place a call I have had my order placed with this bookstore for three months, but there is still no sign of the books....

    dry out 
    • dry out а) иссушать Will this flooded ground ever dry out? A good hot summer could dry the ground out. б) coll. перестать быть зависимым от наркотиков или алкоголя If he goes on drinking like that, he will have to spend months in a special hospital, drying out....

    outlast v. 
    • outlast v. 3) прожить; he will not outlast six months - он не протянет и шести месяцев...

    even II 1. adj. 
    • even II 1. adj. 2) равный, на одном уровне (with); одинаковый; тот же самый; сходный even with the ground - вровень с землей - even date...

    zoom up 
    • zoom up а) взмыть вверх; the plane zomed up into the sky. б) быстро расти; Prices, which zomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months....

    slacken up 
    • slacken up замедлять, уменьшать (скорость, усилия) The doctor advised Jim to slacken up for a few months. Please slacken up your speed....

    be ahead 
    • be ahead быть впереди (особенно в соревновании), опережать And now Oxford are ahead, they're leading by three lengths. Jane used to have difficulty with her school work, but she's been ahead for several months now....

    slog 2. v. 
    • slog 2. v. 2) coll. упорно работать (тж. slog at; slog away; slog on); Jane at last passed the examination by slogging (away) at her studies for months....

    space out 
    • space out а) размещать(ся) с промежутками (в пространстве) Space out, children, so that you have plenty of room to move. б) растягивать (во времени), увеличивать промежутки The bank should allow you to space out your payments over several months. в) amer.; sl. быть одурманенным наркотиками Jim has spaced out and nothing he says will make sense....

    new 1. adj. 
    • new 1. adj. 9) новоявленный; he is a new rich disdain. - он недавно разбогател - new soil - the New World there is nothing new under the sun - ничто не ново под луной tomorrow is a new day - утро вечера мудренее Syn: see up-to-date...

    drop behind 
    • drop behind а) отставать б) снижать уровень We thought the horse would win, but he dropped behind halfway through the race. Don't drop behind now, just when you're doing so well. Production has dropped behind in the last few months. в) задерживать платеж If your payments of rent drop behind, you will be asked to leave....

    phone up 
    • phone up coll. звонить по телефону; Have you phoned up your relatives to tell them the change of date yet?...

    hint 2. v. 
    • hint 2. v. намекать (at - на) The government minister hinted at an early election, but refused to give an exact date....

    institute 2. v. 
    • institute 2. v. 3) назначать, устраивать (на должность и т. п.) (into/to) Tuesday has been fixed as the date for instituting the minister into his new living. Syn: see begin...

    walk out 
    • walk out а) выходить; I think I'll walk out for a little while, to get a breath of fresh air. б) забастовать; The electricians have walked out, and will stay out until their demands are met. в) to walk out with smb. coll. ухаживать, 'гулять' с кем-л. (обыкн. о прислуге); The footman and the cook have been walking out for several months now. г) покидать, оставлять, бросать (on); You can't walk out on your family at a time like this. д) не выполнять, отказываться от обязанностей (on); You can't walk out on the contract, or you could be taken to court....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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