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    prick off/out 
    • prick off/out высаживать рассаду; пикировать сеянцы While the soil is soft after the rain, let's prick out the onion plants....

    friable adj. 
    • friable adj. рыхлый, крошащийся; ломкий, хрупкий friable soil - рыхлая почва Syn: see fragile...

    sift out 
    • sift out отделять, выделять (кого-л., что-л.) Sift out the most important names from this list of possible speakers. She sifted out the stones from the soil....

    native 1. adj. 
    • native 1. adj. 7) native soil geol. - 'материк', подпочва Syn:aboriginal,autochthonous,endemic, indigenous Ant: alien, foreign, immigrant...

    leach 2. v. 
    • leach 2. v. выщелачивать (from/away from/out of); Much of the goodness has been leached from the soil by the action of continuous heavy rain; During the recent wet weather, radioactive chemicals have been leaching out of the waste products of the atomic power station...

    sterilize v. 
    • sterilize v. 2) стерилизоватьSyn:castrate, emasculate, geld, hysterectomize, neuter, spay, vasectomize decontaminate, disinfect, fumigate Ant: fecundate, fertilize, fructify, impregnate, inseminate pollute, soil...

    swallow I 2. v. 
    • swallow I 2. v. 1) глотать, проглатывать (тж. swallow down); Nasty medicine is difficult to swallow down; to swallow words - проглатывать слова, говорить неразборчиво...

    dirty 3. v. 
    • dirty 3. v. загрязнять, пачкать (тж. dirty up) You've dirtied up your dress in that mud! Syn: see soil...

    enrich v. 
    • enrich v. 2) удобрять (почву) (with) Farmers have to enrich the soil with chemicals....

    soak into 
    • soak into а) впитываться It will not take long for the melted snow to soak into the soil. б) (постепенно) усваиваться You need a rest from studying to allow the facts to soak into your mind....

    rich 1. adj. 
    • rich 1. adj. 4) обильный, изобилующий; плодородный; rich soil - тучная почва; rich harvest - богатый урожай...

    scoop 2. v. 
    • scoop 2. v. 2) копать; выкапывать (тж. scoop out); This machine can scoop out the soil at a very fast rate. Tortoise scoops out a nesting place in the sand and lays its eggs in it....

    son noun 
    • son noun 3) уроженец; выходец; потомок; son of the soil - а) уроженец данной местности; б) земледелец; son of toil - трудящийся; труженик; the sons of men - человеческий род son of a bitch rude - сукин сын...

    grow together 
    • grow together срастаться These two bushes can grow together, they like the same kind of soil....

    permeate v. 
    • permeate v. 1) проникать, проходить сквозь, пропитывать; The rain will permeate through the soil and reach the roots. The heavy rain permeated right through my coat....

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