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    boost up 
    • boost up а) подпихивать, помогать подняться The small girl had to be boosted up onto the large horse. б) поддерживать The company needs boosting up, if it is not to he defeated by its competitors. Jim is not very cheerful; he needs a holiday to boost him up....

    pitch on/upon 
    • pitch on/upon а) выбрать, остановиться на ком-л., чём-л.; We have pitched on a perfect place for our holiday. Why does he always pitch on me for the worst jobs? б) докучать, дразнить; приставать; Why pitch on me? I'm not to blame!...

    come away 
    • come away а) уходить Come away with me on my next holiday. I had to come away before the end of the party. The young writer asked his teacher's wife to come away with him. б) отламываться the handle came away in my hand ручка отломилась и осталась у меня в руках в) отстранять что-л. When my hand came away, blood poured from the wound....

    debate 2. v. 
    • debate 2. v. 1) обсуждать, оспаривать, дебатировать; спорить (about/on/upon - о чем-л.; with - с кем-л.) The class have decided to debate about the housing question. The family is still debating about where to go for their holiday. We had to debate with two speakers expressing the opposing view....

    go with 
    • go with а) сопровождать Don't leave me alone, let me go with you! We enjoyed our holiday, although we went with our neighbours. б) быть заодно с кем-л. Do you always go with the chairman? в) подходить, гармонировать; согласовываться, соответствовать I like the way the blue carpet goes with the gold curtains. Oranges go surprisingly well with duck. go with a run идти как по маслу go without обходиться без чего-л. If there's no sugar you will have to go without; it won't do you any harm anyway....

    deputize v. 
    • deputize v. 3) замещать (кого-л.; for) I would like you to deputize for me as chairman while I am on holiday....

    legislate v. 
    • legislate v. издавать законы, законодательствовать - legislate for legislate for рассчитывать, учитывать; If you're thinking of travelling on a public holiday, you'll have to legislate for delays in the traffic....

    buck up 
    • buck up а) встряхнуться, оживиться, проявить энергию A good holiday will buck you up. Buck up, your troubles will soon be over. б) спешить Buck up, we're all waiting....

    board out 
    • board out столоваться вне дома We'll have to board the cat out while we're away on holiday. Your family is so large that three of the children will have to board out....

    spunk up 
    • spunk up amer.; coll. смягчиться, успокоиться; Spunk up, there's nothing to worry about! Perhaps you need a holiday to spunk you up....

    benefit 2. v. 
    • benefit 2. v. 2) извлекать пользу, выгоду (by/from - из чего-л.) Did you benefit from your holiday? I think the boy would benefit by further study....

    repose in 
    • repose in а) отдыхать; покоиться (в чем-л.); He was asleep, reposing in an armchair. The body of the dead leader reposed in the cathedral for the people to pay their respects. б) заключаться (в чем-л.); The chief attractions of this holiday town repose in its peace and fresh air....

    bother 2. v. 
    • bother 2. v. 2) беспокоиться, волноваться (about/with) Don't bother about the letters, they're not urgent. Don't bother about seeing me off. Don't bother yourself with the arrangements for the holiday. to bother one's head (brains) - ломать голову...

    slim down 
    • slim down уменьшать(ся) в весе; уменьшать (количество, объем) We've had to slim down our holiday plans. The railway system in our country is being slimmed down....

    dip into 
    • dip into а) обмакнуть I'll allow the children to dip their bread into the soup. б) погрузиться (в жидкость) The swimmer dipped into the river but it was too cold. в) проглядывать, пролистывать, поверхностно изучать I usually dip into a book before deciding whether to read it. If you dip into the future you can see fearful dangers ahead. г) использовать часть денег I had to dip into the money I had saved to pay for the holiday....

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