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    indemnify v. 
    • indemnify v. 2) освободить (от наказания, материальной ответственности) (for - за) The insurance company will indemnify you for the cost of living elsewhere while the fire damage is repaired....

    slur over 
    • slur over замалчивать, обходить молчанием; принижать значение (чего-л.) The Minister tried to slur over his department's mistake although it had cost the taxpayers a lot of money....

    estimate 2. v. 
    • estimate 2. v. 1) оценивать, давать оценку (at) The builder estimates the cost of repairing the roof at $600. I would estimate the size of the garden at 1.000 square metres....

    indemnify v. 
    • indemnify v. 1) обезопасить, застраховать (from, against - от) How much does it cost to indemnify oneself against accidental death?...

    high II 1. adj. 
    • high II 1. adj. 7) высокий, дорогой at a high cost - по высокой цене...

    insure v. 
    • insure v. 1) страховать(ся), застраховывать(ся) (against) How much will it cost to insure the building against fire?...

    stop over 
    • stop over а) остановиться в пути, сделать остановку; Are you allowed to stop over without additional cost? б) проводить ночь не дома; We need two days for the journey, stopping over at a small town on the way....

    remit v. 
    • remit v. 5) посылать по почте (деньги); kindly remit to Mr. N - прошу (просим) уплатить мистеру N; Please remit the full cost to the company....

    plank 2. v. 
    • plank 2. v. 3) amer. выкладывать, платить (обыкн. plank down, plank out); He planked down the money and called for drinks for everyone. It's typical of him to plank out the whole cost all at once....

    equip v. 
    • equip v. 1) снаряжать; экипировать; оборудовать (for; with) This hotel room is not equipped for cooking. What does it cost to equip a young man for the navy? The workers are expected to equip themselves for the job. Did she equip the boy with the correct boots?...

    convert 2. v. 
    • convert 2. v. 1) превращать; переделывать (into) A poet is one who can convert ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing. How much does it cost today to convert pounds into dollars? If two chemicals are put together and heated, they can be converted into a completely different substance....

    make over 
    • make over а) передавать; жертвовать; He made over his house for use as a hospital in the war. б) переделывать; The garage has been made over into a playroom. It'll cost a lot of money to make the room over....

    bear on 
    • bear on а) касаться, иметь отношение к чему-л. How does your story bear on this case? б) плохо влиять The rise in the cost of living bears hard on old people living on fixed incomes....

    reduce v. 
    • reduce v. 2) превращать, обращать; переводить (в другие, более мелкие меры, единицы и т. п.); The whole town was reduced to ashes in the bombing. To calculate the cost, reduce the prices to pence from pounds and pence....

    couple 2. v. 
    • couple 2. v. 2) связывать, ассоциировать (with) The fall in the number of empty jobs is coupled with the rise in the cost of living. His name has been coupled with hers in the society page of the newspaper. Working too hard, coupled with not getting enough sleep, made her ill....

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