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    consecrate 2. v. 
    • consecrate 2. v. 1) посвящать (to) The doctor consecrated his life to the sick people in the hot country. The doctor consecrated his life to the service of mankind....

    care for 
    • care for а) нравиться, хотеть Would the children care for some more cake? That ladder looks unsafe; I would not care for it to fall while you were at the top. б) нянчиться, присматривать Jane spent years caring for her sick aunt. Do you enjoy caring for small children while their mothers are at work? в) заботиться, беречь Mary cares for her clothes, to make them last....

    stay down 
    • stay down а) оставаться в желудке; Jane is sick again: nothing she eats will stay down; б) оставаться в шахте (в знак протеста); The miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met, in spite of the discomfort; в) оставаться на второй год; Jane was afraid that if she failed her examinations again she would have to stay down, repeat the work, and miss her friends....

    business I noun 
    • business I noun 7) disdain. дело, история I am sick of the whole business - мне вся эта история надоела...

    go 1. v.; past went; past part. gone 
    • go 1. v.; past went; past part. gone 24) глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом означает: а) постоянно находиться в каком-л. положении или состоянии; б) делаться, становиться to go hungry - быть, ходить всегда голодным to go in rags - ходить в лохмотьях to go mad/mental - сойти с ума to go sick - захворать to go bust coll. - разориться he goes hot and cold - его бросает в жар и в холод...

    leave I noun 
    • leave I noun 2) отпуск (тж. leave of absence) - on leave - on sick leave - paid leave - leave without pay...

    turn 2. v. 
    • turn 2. v. 18) как глагол-связка делаться, становиться; to turn red - покраснеть; to turn sick - почувствовать тошноту; to turn teacher - стать учителем - turn about - turn adrift - turn against - turn around - turn aside - turn away - turn back - turn down - turn in - turn in upon oneself - turn off - turn on - turn out - turn over - turn round - turn to - turn up - turn upon to turn smb.'s head - вскружить кому-л. голову to turn loose - а) спускать (животное) с цепи; б) освобождать to turn yellow - струсить to turn the scale/balance - решить исход дела not to know which way to turn - не знать, что предпринять to turn out in the cold - окатить холодной водой to turn up one's heels sl. - протянуть ноги, скончаться Syn: see bend...

    take 1. v. 
    • take 1. v. 26) tech. твердеть, схватываться (о цементе и т.п.) - take part - take effect - take leave - take notice - take a holiday - take a breath - take root - take vote - take offence - take pity on smb. - take place - take shelter - take steps - take a step - take a tan - take aback - take aboard - take about - take action about - take umbrage about - take abroad - take across - take after - take against - take along - take amiss - take apart - take around - take as - take as read - take ashore - take aim at - take a shot at - take at word - take away - take back - take below - take by - take down - take it easy - take for - take from - take hard - take home - take in - take into - take kindly - take charge of - take off - take on - take out - take over - take sick - take smb. through smth. - take to smth. - take to smb. - take to a place - take the sea - take to one's heels - take to earth - take unawares - take up - take up with - take up quarters - take upon oneself - take with - take sides with - take liberties with to take it into one's head - забрать себе в голову, возыметь желание to take it lying down - безропотно сносить что-л. to take to the woods amer. - уклоняться от своих обязанностей (особ. от голосования) to take too much - подвыпить, хлебнуть лишнего to take the biscuit sl. - взять первый приз take it or leave it - как хотите; либо да, либо нет Syn: see carry...

    come up 
    • come up а) подниматься, вырастать, возникать to come up for discussion стать предметом обсуждения б) всходить (о растении) в) приезжать (из провинции в большой город, университет и т.п.) When do the students come up? Do come up to London and see us. When do the next lot of young soldiers come up? г) предстать перед судом д) подходить (to) While I was waiting for the bus, a man came up and started asking questions. I could hear footsteps coming up behind me. More soldiers are coming up soon to help in the battle. е) достигать уровня, сравниваться (to) ж) нагонять кого-л. (with) з) наносить визит Come up and see me some time. и) случаться, происходить I'll let you know if anything comes up. A change may come up soon. к) упоминаться Your question came up at the meeting His name never comes up in our conversation these days. л) выигрывать Did your horse come up? м) изменять мнение о ком-л. (в худшую сторону) That politician has come up in my opinion since I heard his last speech. н) чиститься, проясняться The paintwork came up beautifully. о) coll. стараться показать свою значительность; важничать Don't you try to come up, young man! п) тошнить Poor Jane is being sick again this morning, that light meal I gave her came up in a few minutes....

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