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    bring out 
    • bring out а) высказывать (мнение и т.п.); выявлять б) опубликовывать; ставить (пьесу) в) вывозить (девушку в свет) Is Mrs King-Brown bringing her daughter out this year? г) mil. снять с фронта, отвести в тыл д) показывать Jane never brings out her best dishes even when guests arrive. The warm sun brought the flowers out. е) производить Tom has brought out another new book. The makers are bringing out a new kind of soap. ж) помочь преодолеть застенчивость; заставить преодолеть сдержанность Mary is very quiet, try to bring her out (of her shell) at the party. з) вызвать забастовку We'll bring the workers out for more pay. и) вывезти кого-л. в другую страну I had been living here for a year before I had saved enough money to bring the family out. к) произносить She was so shocked that she could hardly bring out a word. л) узнавать что-л. секретное It did not take the police long to bring out the truth....

    sum 2. v. 
    • sum 2. v. складывать, подводить итог (часто sum up); These ten books sum up this year's production. - sum up...

    bum around 
    • bum around лодырничать, шататься без дела; жить на чужой счет I've been bumming around for the last year without a job....

    bum about 
    • bum about лодырничать, шататься без дела; жить на чужой счет I've been bumming around for the last year without a job....

    lie beyond 
    • lie beyond а) предстоять в будущем; We can make plans for the next year, but who can tell what lies beyond? б) превышать; The singer was unwise to choose songs which lay beyond her ability....

    have up 
    • have up а) приглашать I'd like to have the workers' leaders up to my office to express their complaints. We had the whole family up to our home in London to see the Queens crowning. б) вызывать в суд This is the third time that Peter has been had up this year!...

    put at 
    • put at а) помещать, ставить, класть перед (кем-л., чем-л.); The worshippers put their gifts at the feet of the god. The natives put the food at the entrance. б) приблизительно определять, предполагать; I put her age at 33. His income can probably be put at $8,000 a year....

    be onto 
    • be onto а) связаться с кем-л., особенно по телефону I've been onto the director, but he says he can't help. б) постоянно просить кого-л. о чем-л. She's been onto me to buy her a new coat for a year. в) открывать, обнаруживать что-л. Don't think I haven't been onto your little plan for some time. The police are onto us, we'd better hide....

    go after 
    • go after а) искать Half the guards went after the escaped prisoners, but they got away free. б) находить удовольствие в в) стараться выиграть Jim intends to go after the big prize. г) стремиться I think we should go after increased production this year....

    place 2. v. 
    • place 2. v. 6) определять (местоположение, дату и т.п.); соотносить (с чем-л.); I placed her age at 33. His income can probably be placed at $5000 a year....

    shack II v.; sl. 
    • shack II v.; sl. 2) жить, сожительствовать (с кем-л.); They don't intend to get married, but they've been shocking up together for a year....

    blossom out 
    • blossom out цвести; распускаться The roses are blossoming out early this year....

    mourn v. 
    • mourn v. 1) сетовать, оплакивать (for); Mrs Page is still mourning for her dead son, a year after he was killed in the accident....

    race up 
    • race up резко возрастать, увеличиваться; The cost of living has been racing up in the past year....

    spread 2. v. 
    • spread 2. v. 6) продолжаться; продлевать; the course of lectures spreads over a year - курс лекций продолжается год...

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