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    pull aside 
    • pull aside оттащить (в сторону); отдергивать (на одну сторону); Pulling the curtain aside, he looked down into the street. Try to pull the chairman aside after the meeting....

    come down on 
    • come down on а) требовать от кого-л. The debt collector came down on us for payment. Mother came down on me to clean my room. б) наказывать кого-л. The courts will come down (heavily) on young criminals. в) ругать кого-л. The director came down on Jim for being late again. г) решать в пользу кого-л. The chairman will have to come down on one side or the other soon....

    make of 
    • make of понимать; Can you make anything of this strange letter? I could make nothing of the chairman's remark....

    edge in 
    • edge in а) вставить (слово, замечание) The noise at the party was so loud that I was hardly able to edge in a remark at all. б) втискиваться, пролезать, влезать I tried to edge in on the chairman to speak to him, but he was surrounded by other questioners. There's a small crowd round the speaker, but try to edge your way in....

    smooth away 
    • smooth away а) сглаживать, разглаживать I can't smooth these folds away, they keep coming back. б) устранять, сглаживать (неприятности и т. п.) The chairman has made efforts to smooth away any difficulties that might prevent our plans to be fulfilled....

    be in accord with 
    • be in accord with иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л.; иметь одинаковые вкусы, мнения с кем-л. Luckily, the chairman's views are in accord with those of his committee. Being in accord with one's fellow workers is an important part of any job....

    be in harmony with 
    • be in harmony with иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л. иметь одинаковые вкусы, мнения с кем-л. Luckily, the chairman's views are in harmony with those of his committee. Being in harmony with one's fellow workers is an important part of any job....

    call on 
    • call on а) взывать, апеллировать б) приглашать высказаться the chairman called on the next speaker председатель предоставил слово следующему оратору в) звонить по телефону кому-л. г) посещать кого-л. официально Permit me to call on you next Tuesday afternoon. The salesman calls on the firm twice a month....

    slide round 
    • slide round слегка касаться (чего-л.); обходить (что-л.) Don't allow the chairman to slide round that urgent mutter, it must be dealt with at once....

    build on 
    • build on а) пристраивать We built the house on our own land. б) рассчитывать на что-л., на кого-л. I'd like to come with you but that's not a promise, don't build on it. Don't build on going abroad this summer, we may not have enough money. в) основывать что-л. на чем-л Don't build your hopes on the chairman's promises. The insurance business is built on trust....

    stand in 
    • stand in а) стоить; б) быть в хороших отношениях, поддерживать хорошие отношения (with); Of course if you stood in with the chairman в) принимать участие, помогать (with); г) naut. идти к берегу, подходить к порту (to/towards); The ship is still a long way out to sea, but site seems to he standing in towards the harbour; д) замещать кого-л.; дублировать (for); Can you stand in for me at the meeting?...

    step down 
    • step down а) спуститься; Stepping down from the stage, he took a member of the crowd by the hand and led him up the steps; б) выйти (из экипажа); в) electr. понижать напряжение; The quantity of medicine to be taken can be stepped down gradually after the first week; г) уступить свою позицию; I've spent so many years as chairman that I feel it's time I stepped down....

    reduce v. 
    • reduce v. 3) понижать в должности и т.п.; to reduce to a lower rank mil. - понизить в звании; The officer was reduced in rank, for dishonourable action. For frequent absences from committee meetings, the chairman was reduced to ordinary membership....

    cling onto 
    • cling onto а) прильнуть The child clung onto its mother. The climber had to cling onto the cliff. б) стараться сохранить The old lady tried to cling onto her old home, but the builders forced her out. Whenever we move to a new house, we always cling onto far too many possessions. в) оставаться лояльным The chairman has always clung onto oldfashioned ideas....

    soak in 
    • soak in а) esp. amer. (постепенно) усваиваться (о мысли и т. п.) The chairman waited until his suggestion had time to soak in before inviting the committee's opinions. б) замачивать (белье и т.п.) If the clothes are very dirty, soak them in soapy water overnight. в) погрузиться, с головой уйти (во что-л.) Only by soaking yourself in the details can you gain a thorough understanding of the subject....

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