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    loan 2. v. 
    • loan 2. v. mainly amer. давать взаймы, ссужать (to); Money which has been loaned to city councils by the central government can be repaid at a tow rate of interest...

    pretend v. 
    • pretend v. 4) претендовать (на что-л.) (to); I don't pretend to a complete knowledge of the city. The young prince started a war by pretending to the crown....

    restore v. 
    • restore v. 4) реставрировать (картину и т.п.); реконструировать; The city council has voted money to help restore some older buildings....

    confine v. 
    • confine v. 1) ограничивать (в пределах чего-л.) (within) Doctors are trying to confine the disease within the city. I have been confined within these four walls for a week....

    contrast 2. v. 
    • contrast 2. v. 1) противополагать (with) We can contrast this story, set in a large modern city, with this other one that tells of life on a lonely farm....

    sprawl 2. v. 
    • sprawl 2. v. 3) расползаться во все стороны (тж. sprawl out); As the city grew, housing developments sprawled out for miles either side of the river....

    abandon 1. v. 
    • abandon 1. v. 3) сдавать; to abandon the city to the enemy - сдать город врагу...

    expend v. 
    • expend v. тратить (on/in), расходовать You may have to expend a further year in completing your book. The city council has been charged with expending too much of the taxpayers' money on sports buildings. Syn: see use...

    remain v. 
    • remain v. 1) оставаться; after the fire very little remained of the house - после пожара от дома почти ничего не осталось; What will remain of the old city if the new road is built through the centre?...

    hunt down 
    • hunt down а) выследить; поймать Farmers will not be satisfied till all the local foxes that have been killing their chickens have been hunted down. б) затравить в) преследовать г) выискивать We've been hunting down a good cheap house all over the city....

    goggle 3. v. 
    • goggle 3. v. 1) таращить глаза; смотреть широко раскрытыми глазами (at) When the farm boy first came to the city, he goggled at the size of the buildings. The public came in crowds to goggle at the strange new paintings....

    encompass v. 
    • encompass v. окружать (тж. обр. напр., заботой и т.п.); заключать (with) He is encompassed with doubts. The enemy encompassed the city with their soldiers. Syn: see circumscribe...

    doom 2. v. 
    • doom 2. v. 1) осуждать, обрекать, предопределять (to) Why are my hopes always doomed to disappointment? Many fine old houses in the city are doomed to destruction....

    close in on 
    • close in on приближаться; наступать The enemy is closing in on the city. The police are closing in on the criminals. The lion closed in on the family of deer....

    happen on 
    • happen on случайно натолкнуться, встретить I happened on thisold photograph in the back of the drawer. Guess who I happened on while I was in the other city? My old neighbour!...

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