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    soak through 
    • soak through промачивать (о дожде); промокать This coat was supposed to keep rain out, but the water has soaked through. The children came in soaked through, so we put them in a hot bath....

    clean 4. v. 
    • clean 4. v. 1) чистить to clean of - отчистить от чего-л. Can you clean the coat of these dirty marks? Lady Macbeth felt that it was hopeless to try to clean her hands of the blood....

    permeate v. 
    • permeate v. 1) проникать, проходить сквозь, пропитывать; The rain will permeate through the soil and reach the roots. The heavy rain permeated right through my coat....

    shed upon 
    • shed upon а) ронять, проливать (слезы, волосы и т.п.) на (что-л.) Look, you're shedding tears on my best coat! б) проливать свет на (событие, дело и т.п.) Can you shed any light on the mysterious disappearance of this papers?...

    shed on 
    • shed on а) ронять, проливать (слезы, волосы и т. п.) на (что-л.) Look, you're shedding tears on my best coat! б) проливать свет на (событие, дело и т.п.) Can you shed any light on the mysterious disappearance of this papers?...

    fix 1. v. 
    • fix 1. v. 13) amer.; coll. употр. вместо самых разнообразных глаголов, обозначающих приведение в порядок, приготовление и т.п., напр.: to fix a broken lock - починить сломанный замок to fix one's hair - привести прическу в порядок - fix a coat - fix breakfast - fix the fire - fix on - fix over - fix up - fix upon - fix with Syn: see repair...

    slip off 
    • slip off а) ускользнуть; Mary couldn't bear the party, so she slipped off while no one was looking. б) соскользнуть; My foot slipped off and I fell to the ground. в) сбросить (одежду) He slipped his coat off and jumped into the river....

    be after 
    • be after а) быть позже, чем что-л. (о времени) It's quite dark, it must be after 10 o'clock. б) преследовать кого-л. Why is the dog running so fast? He's after rabbits. Quick, hide me, the police are after me! в) стараться получить что-л. Jim is after another job. Don't marry him, he's only after your money. The old man is always after borrowing money. г) журить, бранить; ругать She's always after the children for one thing or another She's been after me for a year to buy her a new coat....

    trail 2. v. 
    • trail 2. v. 9) тянуться сзади (чего-л.); a cloud of dust trailed behind the car - машина оставляла позади себя облако пыли - trail off - trail out - trail over to trail one's coat - держаться вызывающе, лезть в драку Syn: see follow...

    vest 1. noun 
    shuffle out 
    • shuffle out а) стаскивать, стягивать (одежду) With his wounded arm bound up, he had to shuffle out of his coat as best he could. б) шаркая, волоча ноги выйти (из комнаты и т.п.) The old man shuffled out of the room, complaining about the way he had been treated. в) coll. выпутываться, выбираться (из трудного положения), изворачиваться He's always been able to shuffle out of any difficulty....

    duster noun 
    rake out 
    • rake out а) выгребать; to rake out the fire выгребать уголь, золу; I shall have to rake these dead leaves out before water will flow through the pipe again. б) выискивать, выкапывать, добывать с трудом; At last I raked out a worn old coat to give to the man at the door....

    get onto 
    • get onto а) переходить к чему-л., начинать что-л. другое Let's get onto the next scene now. When can we get onto the next piece of business? б) начинать говорить о чем-л., работать над чем-л. How did we get onto this subject? It has no connection with what we were talking about. в) быть выбранным My neighbour got onto the city council. г) выпрашивать She's been getting onto me for a year to buy her a new coat. д) думать о чем-л. I've got onto a good idea for improving production. е) понимать The children didn't quite get onto what the teacher was saying....

    wear I 2. v. 
    • wear I 2. v. 7) - wear the ensign - wear the flag - wear away - wear down - wear off - wear on - wear out to wear the King's/Queen's coat - служить в английской армии - wear the breeches - wear the pants...

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