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    success noun 
    • success noun 2) человек, пользующийся успехом; произведение, получившее признание и т. п.; the experiment is a success - опыт удался; I count that book among my successes - я считаю, что эта книга - моя большая удача; she was a great success as a singer - ее пение имело большой успех nothing succeeds like success prov. - успех влечет за собой новый успех success is never blamed prov. - победителя не судят...

    nose 1. noun 
    • nose 1. noun 5) sl. осведомитель, доносчик - count noses - tell noses to bite smb.'s nose off огрызнуться, резко ответить кому-л. to make smb.'s nose swell вызывать сильную зависть/ревность to pay through the nose платить бешеную цену, переплачивать to wipe smb.'s nose обманывать, надувать кого-л. to cut off one's nose to spite one's face в порыве злости действовать во вред самому себе; причинять вред себе, желая досадить другому - white nose as plain as the nose on one's face совершенно ясно to get it on the nose получить взбучку to turn up one's nose at относиться с презрением к; задирать нос перед кем-л. - on the nose...

    be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 
    • be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 7) как модальный глагол с последующим инфинитивом означает долженствование, возможность, намерение I am to inform you - я должен вас известить he is to be there now - он должен быть там сейчас - be about - be above - be above oneself - be above one - be above one's head - be abreast of - be after - be against - be ahead - be ahead of - be along - be amiss - be around - be at - be at attention - be at a dead end - be at each other's throats - be at ease - be at ease - be at an end - be hard at work - be at home - be at it - be at loggerheads - be at a loss - be at odds - be at pains - be away - be back - be before - be behind - be behind bars - be behind the times - be below - be beneath - be beneath contempt - be beneath smb.'s dignity - be beneath smb.'s notice - be beside - be beside oneself - be beside the point - be between - be beyond - be beyond endurance - be beyond a joke - be beyond one's ken - be beyond question - be beyond redemption - be down - be down as - be down for - be down for the count - be down on - be down on one's luck - be down to - be down with - be down in the dumps - be down in the mouth - be for - be hip to - be in - be in at - be in for - be in for it - be in for trouble - be in on - be in on the ground floor - be in with - be in accord with - be in harmony with - be in collision with - be in line with - be inside - be into - be off - be off to - be off with - be on - be on about - be on at - be on with - be onto - be onto a good thing - be out - be out for - be out from - be out in - be out in force - be out in large numbers - be out in strength - be out of - be over - be over and done with - be past - be round - be through - be under - be up - be up against - be up for - be up for grabs - be hard up for - be up to - be with - be within - be without - how are you? - be going - let be - be oneself I've been there coll. - все это уже известно you've been (and gone) and done it coll. - ну и наделали вы дел Syn: see exist...

    be out а) не быть 
    • be out а) не быть дома, в комнате и т.п. б) расцветать The roses should be out next week. в) быть старомодным Long skirts are out one year and in the next. г) заканчивать(ся) The sun will shine before the day is out. д) совершать ошибки в чем-л. I was out in my calculations. No, I'm sorry, you're a long way out if you think that. е) быть напечатанным; становиться известным it's no use trying to keep it a secret, the story is out now. When will the next magazine be out? ж) отступать (о приливе) When the tide is out, the sand stretches for a long way. з) (о луне, солнце, звездах) появляться Look, the moon is out, isn't it beautiful. и) прекращать работу из-за расхождения во мнениях The miners will be out until their demands are met. к) быть вынужденным покинуть группу, коллектив If they find out what you did with the club money, you'll be out on your ear! Anyone, who refuses to accept the new committee is out at once. л) не принимать во внимание, не рассматривать In view of the increased cost, I'm afraid a new car is out this year. м) выпускать из тюрьмы When will you be out? I shan't be out for another year yet. You could be out sooner if you behave yourself. н) быть без сознания When he was out for more than ten minutes, we got worried. At the first blow, he was out for the count. He could be hurt, he's out like a light о) выдаваться (об официальном документе) There's a warrant out for your brother-are you hiding him from the police? п) не работать (обычно из-за повреждения) The telephones are out along most of the coast since the storm....

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