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    storm 2. v. 
    • storm 2. v. 3) стремительно нестись, проноситься (in); The door flew open, and father stormed in, in a very bad temper....

    shelter 2. v. 
    • shelter 2. v. 3) спрятаться, укрыться (under, in, from); He always sheltered himself behind his father's authority....

    come in for 
    • come in for а) приходить за чем-л. I've come in for my other coat. Do come in for dinner. б) получить долю (чего-л.) Henry came in for a large share of his father's fortune. в) навлекать на себя; заслужить The eldest sister always came in for much of the blame....

    favour 2. v. 
    • favour 2. v. 5) coll. быть похожим the boy favours his father - мальчик похож на отца favoured by smb. - переданное кем-л. (письмо)...

    remonstrate v. 
    • remonstrate v. 2) убеждать, увещевать (with - кого-л.); Father remonstrated with the children about the noise they were making, but it didn't make much difference....

    elope v. 
    • elope v. 1) сбежать (с возлюбленным) (with) Mary's father would not give her permission to marry Jim as she was under age, so Jim eloped with her and they were married in Scotland, where the age limit is lower....

    tell on 
    • tell on а) coll. ябедничать, наговаривать; жаловаться; I was going to tell father on him я собиралась пожаловаться на него отцу; б) отзываться, сказываться; age begins to tell on him годы начинают сказываться на нём...

    toy with 
    • toy with а) вертеть в руках; All the time he was talking, he was toying with a pencil. б) дурачиться, забавляться; несерьёзно относиться; toy with an idea играть с мыслью; Father often toys with the thought of going to live on a tropical island....

    come into 
    • come into а) вступать в The door opened and the children came into the room. Come into the house and see my pictures. Come into the garden, Maud. б) получать в наследство Charles came into a fortune when his father died. в) to come into being/existence возникать to come into the world родиться to come...

    sell up 
    • sell up а) продавать с торгов Jim's father was sold up because he owed so much money. б) распродать I'm thinking of selling up and leaving the country; it's impossible to make a living here....

    tissue noun 
    • tissue noun 3) паутина, сеть, сплетение; a tissue of lies - паутина лжи...

    top I 3. v. 
    • top I 3. v. 6) превышать; достигать какой-л. величины, веса и т.п.; he tops his father by a head - он на целую голову выше отца; he tops six feet - он шести футов ростом...

    relinquish v. 
    • relinquish v. 4) leg. отказываться (от права); уступать, передавать (кому-л.); The father was forced by law to relinquish the children to their mother....

    adoptive adj. 
    • adoptive adj. 2) восприимчивый, легко усваивающий adoptive father приемный отец, усыновитель...

    persuade v. 
    • persuade v. 2) склонить, уговорить (into); Can you persuade your father into lending us the car? The boy claims that he was persuaded into the crime....

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