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    counter III 4. v. 
    • counter III 4. v. 2) sport нанести встречный удар (в боксе) (with - чем-л.) And now the old fighter counters with a blow to the body. His young opponent counters with his left....

    be down for the count 
    • be down for the count быть в нокауте (бокс) I think the young fighter is down for the count, yes, it's all over! Last time he was only down for a count of three....

    invest v. 
    • invest v. 4) облекать (полномочиями и т.п.) (with, in) The general was invested with the command of the whole army....

    maroon II 2. v. 
    • maroon II 2. v. 1) высаживать на необитаемом острове (on); The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and marooned him on a desert island...

    second I 3. noun 
    defend v. 
    • defend v. 1) оборонять(ся), защищать(ся) (against/from - против, от; with - с помощью) The army prepared to defend the nation against attack by the enemy. What can we do to defend ourselves against continuously rising prices? If you go alone into the forest, you'd better defend yourself with a knife. The fighter defended his body with some clever blows to his opponent....

    strike at 
    • strike at а) наносить удар, нападать; The fighter struck at his opponent but missed; б) нападать (словесно); Many of the newspapers struck at the government's latest plan; в) покушаться; This new law strikes at the rights of every citizen....

    rein up 
    • rein up а) останавливать(ся); б) остановить, осадить (лошадь); Be prepared to rein up your horse at the word of command. в) amer. огораживать от скота...

    restore v. 
    • restore v. 3) отдавать обратно; возвращать; The court will make every effort to restore the child to his mother. After his trial, the captain's command was restored to him....

    plead v. 
    • plead v. 6) ссылаться (на что-л.), приводить (что-л.) в оправдание; to plead in justification of smth. - служить оправданием чего-л. (в суде) Syn: appeal, beg, petition, sue Ant: command, demand...

    be under 
    • be under а) подчиняться чьей-л. силе The whole army is under the general's command. б) получать лечение Jane has been under that doctor for three years. в) чувствовать влияние или находиться под влиянием чего-л. When Jim came home singing and shouting, we knew that he was under the influence of drink....

    strand I 2. v. 
    • strand I 2. v. 3) выбросить на берег, высадить на берег (on); The sailors took command of the ship by force from the captain, and stranded him on a desert island....

    instruction noun 
    • instruction noun 5) amer. наказ (делегатам) голосовать за определенного кандидата Syn: see command...

    direction noun 
    • direction noun 8) theatr. постановка (спектакля, фильма); режиссура Syn: see command...

    count out 
    • count out а) опускать, пропускать б) исключить, не считать, не принимать во внимание Two of the men who want the job are unsuitable, so you can count them out. в) parl. отложить заседание из-за отсутствия кворума The House was counted out. г) amer. производить неверный подсчет избирателей He wasn't voted out, he was counted out. д) sport объявить боксера нокаутированным The old fighter was counted out at the end of the third round....

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