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    superficial adj. 
    • superficial adj. 2) geol. наносный, аллювиальный Syn: flat, obvious, shallow see cursory Ant: deep, genuine, profound...

    steep I 1. adj. 
    • steep I 1. adj. 3) невероятный, преувеличенный, неправдоподобный Syn: abrupt, precipitous, sheer see wet Ant: flat, gentle, gradual, level, low, plain...

    stamp 2. v. 
    • stamp 2. v. 5) топать ногой; бить копытами (о лошади); to stamp the grass flat - примять траву...

    vertical 1. adj. 
    • vertical 1. adj. 2) отвесный - vertical union Syn: perpendicular, plumb, upright Ant: flat, horizontal, prone, prostrate, supine...

    putter II v. 
    • putter II v. 2) двигаться медленно, вяло; The old car can't get up steep hills, but it can putter along on the flat all right....

    tasty adj. 
    • tasty adj. 3) coll. имеющий хороший вкус; изящный Syn: delicious, palatable, toothsome Ant: bland, dull, flat, flavourless, foul, inedible, tasteless, unappetizing, unsavoury...

    pancake 1. noun 
    • pancake 1. noun 1) блин; оладья; flat as a pancake - совершенно плоский...

    lodging noun 
    • lodging noun 3) attr. - lodging allowance - lodging money - lodging turn Syn:accommodation, apartment, flat, quarters, suite...

    sing 1. v. 
    • sing 1. v. 1) петь; to sing flat/sharp - фальшивить; to sing to a guitar - петь под гитару; to sing smb. to sleep - убаюкать кого-л. пением; I like to sing to many people....

    nonsense 1. noun 
    • nonsense 1. noun 1) вздор, ерунда, чепуха, бессмыслица; - clotted nonsense - flat nonsense - talk nonsense...

    pump in 
    • pump in а) накачивать, нагнетать (воздух или жидкость); This tyre is flat, you didn't pump enough air in. б) coll. вкладывать, "вливать" (деньги, капитал); Unless the government pumps more money in, the whole shipbuilding industry will fail. в) coll. вдалбливать (что-л.); The advertising industry believes that if you can, by repetition, pump inenoughattractive information, the public will buy anything....

    denial noun 
    pump into 
    • pump into а) нагнетать, накачивать (воздух или жидкость) во что-л.; Pump some more air into this tyre, it's still flat. б) вкладывать, "вливать" (деньги, капитал) куда-л.; The government has pumped a lot of money into the production of these fast new planes. The government has pumped money into building these fast new planes. в) вдалбливать (что-л. кому-л.), "накачивать" (кого-л.); Education is not a matter of pumping facts into the children's heads....

    keep on 
    • keep on а) продолжать (делать что-л.) to keep on reading продолжать читать to keep on fire поддерживать огонь б) сохранять в прежнем положении he was kept on at his old job его оставили на прежней работе в) не снимать; оставлять to keep on one's hat не снимать шляпы г) оставлять включенным (электричество) There is no need for tall office buildings to keep their lights on all night, when the government has asked every one to save power. д) продолжать путешествие Turn left at the comer and keep on as far as the church. Keep right on to the end of the road. е) продолжпть действовать, упорствовать Even if you fail the examination again, you must try to keep on until you pass. Keep on with your studies, however hard it sometimes seems. ж) продлить аренду I'll keep the flat on through the summer, so as to have it ready when we come back. I'd like to keep this car on for another week, if that's possible. з) распространяться Don't keep on so, it'll only make you worry more. The teacher kept on and on about good behaviour, as usual. и) ругать (at/onto) She keeps on at the children all day about one thing or another....

    fall 2. v.; past fell; past part. fallen 
    • fall 2. v.; past fell; past part. fallen 16) рубить (лес); валить (дерево); валиться (о дереве) - fall about - fall abreast of - fall across - fall among - fall apart - fall away - fall back - fall behind - fall below - fall down - fall flat - fall for - fall foul - fall in - fall into - fall off - fall on - fall out - fall over - fall through - fall to - fall under - fall upon - fall within - fall in love he falls in and out of love too often он непостоянен в любви to fall on one's face провалиться с треском, оскандалиться to fall to pieces развалиться to fall from grace а) согрешить; б) впасть в ересь to fall into line mil. построиться, стать в строй to fall into line with подчиняться, соглашаться с - fall foul of - fall over oneself to fall over one another, to fall over each other драться, бороться, ожесточенно соперничать друг с другом let fall! naut. отпускай! Syn: see decrease...

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