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    breathe in 
    bank I 2. v. 
    • bank I 2. v. 2) образовать наносы (о песке, снеге) (часто bank up) The morning began fine, but now clouds are banking up. The wind had banked the snow up against the wall....

    look through 
    • look through а) смотреть в (окно и т.п.); The boys watched the football match, by looking through a hole in the fence. б) просматривать что-л.; I'll look through my notes but I don't think I have a record of his name. в) видеть кого-л. насквозь; Every time I try to fool him, he looks through me/my tricks г) не замечать; I said good morning but she looked straight through me and walked on....

    sake noun 
    • sake noun for the sake of, for one's sake - ради; do it for Mary's sake - сделайте это ради Мэри; for our sakes - ради нас; for God's sake, for Heaven's sake - ради бога, ради всего святого (для выражения раздражения, досады, мольбы); for conscience' sake - для успокоения совести; for old sake's sake - в память прошлого; for the sake of glory - ради славы; for the sake of making money - из-за денег - sakes alive!...

    converse I 1. v. 
    • converse I 1. v. 1) разговаривать, беседовать (about/on - о чем-л.; with - с кем-л.) Old men were sitting in the park, conversing about the weather. I wasted half an hour this morning conversing with my neighbour in the garden....

    stooge about 
    • stooge about а) sl. летать над небольшим участком; For the last hour we've been stooging around at 25.000 feet waiting for the enemy planes; б) sl. бродить, слоняться; What have you been doing? Oh, nothing, just stooging about most of the morning....

    stooge around 
    • stooge around а) sl. летать над небольшим участком; For the last hour we've been stooging around at 25.000 feet waiting for the enemy planes; б) sl. бродить, слоняться; What have you been doing? Oh, nothing, just stooging about most of the morning....

    pound out 
    • pound out а) расплющивать, распрямлять (ударами); The car door was so badly damaged that the garage men had to pound it out to its proper shape. б) колотить (по роялю, клавишам и т.п.); All morning I've been pounding out letters on the typewriter....

    vanish 1. v. 
    • vanish 1. v. 1) исчезать, пропадать (тж. vanish away); When morning came, the mist had vanished away; to vanish in the crowd - смешаться с толпой...

    bank I 2. v. 
    • bank I 2. v. 3) сгребать (в кучу), наваливать; окружать валом Every spring we have to bank up the river to prevent flooding. At night we bank the fire up so that it is still burning in the morning....

    to-morrow 2. noun 
    blank out 
    • blank out а) отодвигать что-л., оставляя свободное место Part of the newspaper was blanked out by the government, who wanted their guilt kept hidden. б) помутиться (о сознании), потерять память I blanked out this morning and couldn't remember where I was....

    fetch up 
    • fetch up а) рвать, блевать he fetches up его рвет Jane can't come, she's been fetching up all morning. б) нагонять, наверстывать в) останавливаться г) to fetch up against smth. стукнуться обо что-л. д) amer. довершать, заканчивать е) оказываться в каком-л. месте When Jim's driving, we never know where we'll fetch up....

    spew 2. v. 
    • spew 2. v. блевать, изрыгать (тж. spew up); Jane has been spewing up all morning and will not be at school today. - spew out spew out источать, выделять (что-л. плохое); Factories are no longer allowed to spew out black smoke from their chimneys....

    bleed for 
    • bleed for а) сочувствовать Our hearts bleed for you in your sorrow. б) сочувствовать iron. I'll have to get up early to catch the train tomorrow. My heart bleeds for you. I have to do that every morning! в) выудить деньги у кого-л. The men who took his son bled the father for L20,000....

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