выборка | описание |
predispose v.
- predispose v. предрасполагать (к чему-л.) (to); Her early training and natural ability predisposed her to musicianship as a profession....
stainless adj.
- stainless adj. 3) tech. устойчивый против коррозии; stainless steel - нержавеющая сталь Syn: see clean...
gas 1. noun
- gas 1. noun 1) газ; газообразное тело - natural gas - producer gas...
normal 1. adj.
- normal 1. adj. 3) geom. перпендикулярный Syn: natural, ordinary, regular, typical Ant: abnormal, extraordinary, irregular, queer, unnatural, unusual...
damask 2. adj.
- damask 2. adj. 2) сделанный из дамасской стали, булатный - damask steel...
opt v.
- opt v. выбирать; he opted for the natural sciences - он выбрал естественные науки - opt out не принимать участия; устраняться, уклоняться (от работы и т.п. - обыкн. о хиппи) to opt out of society стать хиппи...
isolate v.
- isolate v. 2) chem. выделять (from) Scientists are working to isolate certain chemicals important to medicine, from the natural substances in which they are found....
recriminate v.
- recriminate v. обвинять друг друга; отвечать обвинением; It's natural to want to recriminate against someone who has tried to put the blame on you....
artificial 1. adj.
- artificial 1. adj. 2) притворный artificial year - гражданский или календарный год (в отличие от астрономического) Syn: ersatz, false, synthetic see artistic Ant: genuine, natural...
labour 2. v.
- labour 2. v. 1) трудиться, работать (at/over) Don't labour at/over your writing, try to make it seem easy and natural....
combine with
- combine with сочетать; смешивать When rising prices are combined with a lack of jobs, many people suffer and the nation becomes poorer, if he can combine his natural ability with hard work, he should be very successful....
resource noun
- resource noun 1) usu. pl. ресурсы, средства, запасы; natural resources - природные богатства...
alloy 1. noun
- alloy 1. noun 5) attr. легированный alloy steel - легированная сталь Syn: see mixture...
formal adj.
- formal adj. 4) правильный, соответствующий правилам; симметричный formal garden(s) - английский парк Syn: affected, ceremonial, ceremonious, pompous, proper, punctilious, ritual Ant: haphazard, improvisatory, informal, natural, spontaneous...
stand off
- stand off а) держаться на расстоянии от; отодвинуться от; We stood off 500 of the enemy forces for nine days; б) отстранить, уволить (на время); 300 workers at the car factory were stood off when there was a lack of steel; в) naut. удаляться от берега; Three battleships were kept standing off as a silent threat to the island people....
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