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    cut loose 
    • cut loose а) освободиться The painter cut himself loose from family responsibilities, and went to live on a tropical island. б) буянить When Sim gets drunk, he always cuts loose....

    cede v. 
    • cede v. 1) сдавать (территорию); уступать, передавать (территорию, права) (to) The island was ceded to the mainland nation by its former owners....

    strand I 2. v. 
    • strand I 2. v. 3) выбросить на берег, высадить на берег (on); The sailors took command of the ship by force from the captain, and stranded him on a desert island....

    paralyse v. 
    • paralyse v. 2) ослабить, парализовать; He was suddenly paralysed by fear. The strike has virtually paralysed the island....

    panegyric 1. noun 
    • panegyric 1. noun панегирик, похвала; Prince Charles's panegyric on rural living...

    cast away 
    • cast away а) отбрасывать; отвергать; порывать с кем-л. When he grew rich, he cast away his old friends. б) to be cast away потерпеть крушение The sailors were cast away on a desert island....

    consort 1. noun 
    • consort 1. noun 1) супруг(а) (особ. о королевской семье) - Prince Consort...

    merchant 2. adj. 
    • merchant 2. adj. 1) торговый, коммерческий; - merchant service - merchant ship - merchant tailor - merchant prince...

    claim 2. v. 
    • claim 2. v. 2) претендовать, предъявлять претензию, заявлять права на что-л. (for) Magical properties are sometimes claimed for certain medicines. The discoverer claimed the island for the nation. - claim the victory...

    stand off 
    • stand off а) держаться на расстоянии от; отодвинуться от; We stood off 500 of the enemy forces for nine days; б) отстранить, уволить (на время); 300 workers at the car factory were stood off when there was a lack of steel; в) naut. удаляться от берега; Three battleships were kept standing off as a silent threat to the island people....

    desert I 2. adj. 
    cross over 
    • cross over а) переходить, пересекать, переезжать, переправляться Cross over at the traffic lights, where the road is safe. He crossed over to the window to see if it was still misty. If we had a boat we could cross over to the island. б) сменить политическую ориентацию The Minister has threatened to cross over to the other side if the government refuses to accept his decision. The politician crossed over and joined the Opposition....

    draw on 
    • draw on а) натягивать, надевать (перчатки и т.п.) Help me to draw on these boots, they're very light. б) подбадривать, обнадеживать Her refusal only drew her lover on. They drew the poor child on with false promises. в) наступать, приближаться autumn is drawing on осень приближается г) черпать, заимствовать д) использовать I shall have to draw on the money I have saved to pay for the holiday. A writer has to draw on his imagination and experience. е) поравняться Black Prince is beginning to draw on the leading horse....

    go off 
    • go off а) убежать, сбежать Why did the painter leave his family and go off to live on a tropical island? б) уходить со сцены At the end of this scene, the murderer goes off, hearing the police arrive. в) терять сознание; умирать г) сойти, пройти the concert went off well концерт прошел хорошо д) выстрелить (об оружии); fig. выпалить A gun goes off every day to mark exactly one o'clock. е) ослабевать (о боли и т.п.) ж) стать хуже; испортиться (о мясе и т.п.) The quality of performance has gone off since last year. з) отделаться от чего-л.; сбыть, продать и) засыпать I had a bad night; I went to bed early enough, but for some reason I couldn't go off....

    gird I v.; past and past part. girded girt 
    • gird I v.; past and past part. girded girt 4) окружать, опоясывать the island girded by the sea - остров, окруженный морем to gird oneself for smth. - приготовиться к чему-л....

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