Российская Информационная Сеть


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    stop out 
    • stop out а) покрывать предохранительным слоем (при травлении на металле); б) продолжать забастовку; All the workers are stopping out until their demands are met; в) вычитать из зарплаты; Income tax is usually stopped out of your wages, so you never get the whole amount....

    drop behind 
    • drop behind а) отставать б) снижать уровень We thought the horse would win, but he dropped behind halfway through the race. Don't drop behind now, just when you're doing so well. Production has dropped behind in the last few months. в) задерживать платеж If your payments of rent drop behind, you will be asked to leave....

    institute 2. v. 
    • institute 2. v. 2) начинать, назначать (расследование и т.п.) (against) The government intends to institute court action against the firm which has disobeyed the wage controls and paid its workers more than is allowed under the new law....

    knuckle under 
    • knuckle under подчиниться, уступить Should the employers knuckle under to the workers' demands?...

    get onto 
    • get onto а) переходить к чему-л., начинать что-л. другое Let's get onto the next scene now. When can we get onto the next piece of business? б) начинать говорить о чем-л., работать над чем-л. How did we get onto this subject? It has no connection with what we were talking about. в) быть выбранным My neighbour got onto the city council. г) выпрашивать She's been getting onto me for a year to buy her a new coat. д) думать о чем-л. I've got onto a good idea for improving production. е) понимать The children didn't quite get onto what the teacher was saying....

    fatten v. 
    • fatten v. 3) удобрять (землю) - fatten on fatten on наживаться за счет кого-л. For years the directors have been fattening on the efforts of the workers....

    shove about 
    • shove about coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be shoved around by the employers. I am sick of being shoved about....

    worker noun 
    • worker noun 1) рабочий; работник; workers of the world, unite! - пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!...

    shove around 
    • shove around coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be shoved around by the employers. I am sick of being shoved about....

    push about 
    • push about coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be pushed around by the employers. I am sick of being pushed about....

    push around 
    • push around coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be pushed around by the employers. I am sick of being pushed about....

    disincline v. 
    • disincline v. 1) лишать желания, отбивать охоту (for; to do)I'm disinclined towards yet another move. Many workers feel disinclined for a long journey from home to work....

    correlate 2. v. 
    • correlate 2. v. находиться в связи, в определенном соотношении; устанавливать соотношение (to, with) His story does not correlate with the facts. The committee found it impossible to correlate the facts supplied by the directors with their knowledge of the firm. Anyone in the production market tries to correlate demand with supply....

    contract out 
    • contract out а) давать работу по контракту The city council has already contracted out the work on the new road. б) отказываться присоединиться (к соглашению) Workers are permitted to contract out of the latest old-age insurance plan....

    stimulate v. 
    • stimulate v. 2) побуждать; поощрять (into/to); The workers must be stimulated to greater effort by an offer to share in the firm's profits. Syn: enliven, excite, galvanize, titillate, whet Ant: deaden, dull, enervate, quell, subdue...

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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