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    rake in 
    • rake in а) загрести лопаточкой крупье (ставки); The man in charge of the game has a long-handled tool for raking in the money that the players lose. б) загребать (деньги); Too many people are raking in large profits from the housing market....

    home 2. adj. 
    • home 2. adj. 3) внутренний; отечественный (о товарах) - home market - home trade - Home Office - Home Secretary...

    drug 1. noun 
    • drug 1. noun 3) неходкий товар; то, что никому не нужно (обыкн. drug in/on the market)...

    common 1. adj. 
    • common 1. adj. 2) общественный, публичный - common land - common membership - Common Market...

    import I 2. v. 
    • import I 2. v. 1) импортировать, ввозить (into; from) Britain must try to import fewer goods from overseas, so as to help her own industries. A special tax is placed on goods imported into Britain from any country outside the common market....

    correlate 2. v. 
    • correlate 2. v. находиться в связи, в определенном соотношении; устанавливать соотношение (to, with) His story does not correlate with the facts. The committee found it impossible to correlate the facts supplied by the directors with their knowledge of the firm. Anyone in the production market tries to correlate demand with supply....

    glut 1. noun 
    sensitive adj. 
    • sensitive adj. 1) чувствительный; восприимчивый - sensitive ear - sensitive market - sensitive paper - sensitive plant...

    centre on 
    • centre on а) концентрироваться, сосредоточиваться вокруг чего-л. The village centred on its market square. The children always centre round the teacher at story time. б) сосредоточиваться на чем-л. The conversation centred on the election. The action of the play centres on the struggle between the two women....

    put I v. 
    • put I v. 2) помещать; сажать; to put to prison - сажать в тюрьму; it's time he was put to school - пора определить его в школу; to put a boy as apprentice - определить мальчика в ученье; put yourself in his place - поставь себя на его место; to put on the market - выпускать в продажу; he put his money into land - он поместил свои деньги в земельную собственность; put it out of your mind - выкинь это из головы...

    open 1. adj. 
    • open 1. adj. 2) открытый, доступный; незанятый; an open port - открытый порт; the post is still open - место еще не занято; - open market - be open to - open season - trial in open court - open letter...

    absorption noun 
    • absorption noun 1) всасывание, впитывание; поглощение,абсорбция- absorption band - absorption capacity - absorption circuit - absorption factor - absorption column - absorption of market...

    put across 
    • put across а) перевозить, переправлять (на лодке, пароме); б) coll. успешно завершить какое-л. дело, 'провернуть' (что-л.); The director put the business deal across in record time. в) coll. убедить, довести до кого-л., заставить поверить; Advertisements are intended to put across the best qualities of the product. The politician was able to put himself across (to the voters) as a suitable leader. г) обманывать, надувать (кого-л.); The woman in the market put it across me by selling me some bad eggs....

    launch on 
    • launch on а) начинать; The opposition speaker launched a bitter attack to the government's mishandling of the taxpayer's money. б) предлагать, представлять; The musical theatre company is about to launch a new performer on the musical world. The firm is almost ready to launch its new product on the market. в) браться за что-л. (новое); The director has launched (out) on yet another plan for cutting costs....

    buyer noun 
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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