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    paperwork noun 
    • paperwork noun оформление документации; At every stage in the production there will be paperwork - forms to fill in, permission to obtain, letters to write....

    vote through 
    • vote through провести путем голосования; to vote a measure (a bill, etc.) through провести мероприятие (закон и т.п.) голосованием; You don't just send your suggestion to the Board; it has to be voted through in every stage of its passage...

    real I 1. adj. 
    • real I 1. adj. 1) действительный, настоящий, реальный, подлинный, истинный, неподдельный, несомненный; the real state of affairs - действительное положение вещей; the actor drank real wine on the stage - актер пил настоящее вино на сцене...

    eruptive adj. 
    step down 
    • step down а) спуститься; Stepping down from the stage, he took a member of the crowd by the hand and led him up the steps; б) выйти (из экипажа); в) electr. понижать напряжение; The quantity of medicine to be taken can be stepped down gradually after the first week; г) уступить свою позицию; I've spent so many years as chairman that I feel it's time I stepped down....

    cover 2. v. 
    • cover 2. v. 11) целиться (из ружья и т.п.); держать под угрозой - cover for - cover in - cover over - cover up cover for покрывать кого-л.; находить оправдания кому-л. Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter? The actor forgot his words, so the other people on stage covered for him by inventing the next few lines....

    drape 2. v. 
    • drape 2. v. 1) драпировать, украшать тканями, занавесами (in; with; round) The actress stood at the back of the stage, draped in the flag. I'll drape this coat round your shoulders to keep you warm. The plain wooden box containing the soldier's body was draped with the flag....

    fling out 
    • fling out а) разразиться (бранью и т.п.) б) брыкаться (о лошади); Suddenly the horse flung out and the rider was thrown to the ground. в) броситься вон She turned and flung out (of the room) without another word. г) выгонять, исключать Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed. д) отвергать The new law was flung out when it reached the last stage in Parliament. е) предлагать At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion, which the committee were eager to accept....

    transition noun 
    • transition noun 4) attr. переходный; transition period - переходный период; transition curve math. - переходная кривая; transition stage - переходная стадия...

    commit to 
    • commit to а) предавать, оставлять, посылать, отправлять I commit this evil book to the flames. The boy was committed to the care of his aunt. The criminals were committed to prison. The old man was committed to a hospital for mad people. б) держать обещание, выполнять обязательства He was a good worker who was committed to his family as well as to his work. I must go, I have committed myself to the club tonight and the members are expecting me. The doctor was committed to practical medicine. I should not like to commit myself to an opinion at this stage. в) фиксировать Don't commit your promises to paper. The actor committed the part to memory....

    black out 
    • black out а) вымарывать, замазывать текст черной краской; не пропускать, запрещать The advertisement for the concert tells where it will take place, but the date has been blacked out. б) маскировать; затемнять; выключать свет During the war we had to black out all our windows. The stage was blacked out to hide a change of scenery. в) amer. засекречивать Reports of the peace talks have been blacked out for twenty-four hours so as to allow freer argument. г) на мгновение терять сознание After the accident he blacked out and couldn't remember what happened. д) заглушать (радиопередачу) Television shows were blacked out as the union trouble spread....

    go 1. v.; past went; past part. gone 
    • go 1. v.; past went; past part. gone 27) to go to sea - стать моряком to go to school - получать школьное образование; ходить в школу to go on the stage - стать актером to go on the streets - стать проституткой - go about - go across - go after - go against - go ahead - go along - go at - go away - go back - go before - go behind - go between - go beyond - go by - go down - go far into - go for - go forth - go forward - go in - go in for - go in with - go into - go off - go on - go on for - go out - go over - go round - go through - go to - go together - go under - go up - go with - go without go about your business! coll. - пошел вон!, убирайся! it will go hard with him - ему трудно/плохо придется; ему не поздоровится to go by the name of - а) быть известным под именем; б) быть связанным с чьим-л. именем she is six months gone with the child - она на шестом месяце беременности to go off the deep end - напиться to go off the handle - выйти из себя to go all out - напрячь все силы to go to smb.'s heart - печалить, огорчать кого-л. to go a long way - а) иметь большое значение, влияние (to, towards, with); б) хватать надолго (о деньгах) to go one better - превзойти (соперника) to go right through - идти напролом to go round the bend - терять равновесие; сходить с ума to go rounds - ходить по рукам it goes without saying - само собой разумеется (it is true) as far as it goes - (верно) поскольку дело касается этого go along with you! - убирайся! be gone! - проваливай(те)! going fifteen - на пятнадцатом году he went and did it - он взял и сделал это to go down the drain coll. - быть истраченным впустую (о деньгах) to go easy on smth. amer. - быть тактичным в отношении чего-л. to go on instruments - вести (самолет) по приборам Syn: advance, move, proceed, progress, rise see leave Ant: stop, cease...

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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