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    zoom across 
    mutiny 2. v. 
    • mutiny 2. v. поднять мятеж; взбунтоваться (against); At last the sailors mutinied against the captain's unjust use of his power; they seized the ship, and put him in an open boat to float at the mercy of the sea....

    hurl into 
    • hurl into а) бросать куда-л. The boat rocked wildly, hurling him into the water. б) сажать в тюрьму The criminal was hurled into prison for his terrible crimes....

    lie up 
    • lie up а) лежать, не выходить из комнаты (из-за недомогания); Mother was so ill after her operation that she had to lie up for a month. б) стоять в стороне, отстраняться; в) naut. стоять в доке; My boat has been lying up in the harbour all winter....

    beat off 
    • beat off а) отбивать, отражать б) naut. плыть с трудом The boat had to beat back against a strong wind....

    pitch II 2. v. 
    • pitch II 2. v. 3) бросать; кидать; Please pitch your waste paper in here. The boat suddenly rocked and pitched him into the water....

    steer I 1. v. 
    • steer I 1. v. 1) править рулем, управлять (автомобилем и т.п.); вести судно (for/into/towards - куда); Try to steer the boat for the harbour....

    haul up 
    • haul up а) поднимать If we can get some strong ropes or wires around the sunken boat, we might be able to haul her up. б) останавливаться в) отчитывать...

    topple over 
    • topple over опрокидывать(ся), переворачивать(ся); I saw the small child topple over and hit her head. The boat toppled over, throwing the passengers into the water....

    pilot 2. v. 
    • pilot 2. v. 1) вести, управлять; пилотировать; to pilot one's way - прокладывать себе дорогу; With great skill, he piloted the boat in/into the little harbour....

    rampage 2. v. 
    • rampage 2. v. быть в сильном возбуждении, неистовствовать, буйствовать; метаться; Groups of lawbreakers have been rampaging about/around all night. The wind blew stronger, and the little boat rampaged along effortlessly....

    rig up 
    • rig up а) производить сборку основных узлов (самолета); укладывать такелаж (на судне); Has the boat been properly rigged up with suitable rapes and sails? б) снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало; The first thing to do when you're shipwrecked is to rig up some kind of a shelter....

    bring to 
    • bring to а) приводить в сознание Peter has fainted, try to bring him to. б) naut. остановить(ся) (о судне) The captain was able to bring the ship to just before it hit the little boat....

    chop around 
    • chop around изменять направление When the storm arose, the wind chopped around and the little boat nearly sank. We were walking along the street together when suddenly he chopped round and ran the other way....

    hollow 3. adv. 
    • hollow 3. adv. вполне, совершенно - beat hollow 4. v. выдалбливать, выкапывать (часто hollow out) You can make a good if rough boat by hollowing out the trunk of a tree....

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