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    cheese off 
    • cheese off coll. злить, раздражать (with) I'm cheesed off with this endless waiting for buses. It's the way-winter goes on and on that cheeses me off about this place....

    pen in 
    • pen in запирать, заключать (в небольшом помещении); Work does not stop for the day until all the cattle are safely penned in. I can't help feeling penned in by this long winter....

    last II 1. v. 
    • last II 1. v. 3) хватать, быть достаточным (тж. last out); it will last (out) the winter - этого хватит на зиму; this money will last me three weeks - мне хватит этих денег на три недели...

    die off 
    • die off а) отмирать б) умирать один за другим The trees-have been dying off during the severe winter, and there are few left. The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease....

    plough in 
    • plough in запахивать; After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash in....

    die II v. 
    • die II v. 1) умереть, скончаться (of, from - от чего-л.; for - за что-л.) In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. Christians believe that Christ died for them. to die in one's bed - умереть естественной смертью...

    send under 
    • send under нанести поражение (кому-л. - в соревновании, бизнесе и т. п.) Many small firms have been sent under by the poor trade resulting from the unusually severe winter conditions....

    lade 2. v. 
    • lade 2. v. 1) грузить, нагружать, погружать (with) The farmer's cart was laden with the vegetable crop. The Christmas tree was laden with gifts....

    lie up 
    • lie up а) лежать, не выходить из комнаты (из-за недомогания); Mother was so ill after her operation that she had to lie up for a month. б) стоять в стороне, отстраняться; в) naut. стоять в доке; My boat has been lying up in the harbour all winter....

    fatten v. 
    • fatten v. 2) жиреть, толстеть (тж. fatten out) You've fattened out during the winter, you should take some exercise to lose weight....

    rig out 
    • rig out а) снаряжать, экипировать; As winter gets near, we have to rig the whole family out with warm clothing. б) coll. наряжать; rigged out разодетый; People came to the party rigged out as characters from stories, fairies, animals, and other creatures....

    provide v. 
    • provide v. 4) принимать меры, готовиться; Steps can be taken to provide against a severe winter....

    look forward 
    • look forward ожидать с нетерпением; I'm looking forward to some warmer weather after this bitter winter....

    console I v. 
    • console I v. утешать (with) At least we can console ourselves with the fact that even this winter cannot last for ever. Syn: cheer up, comfort, condole, solace, sympathize Ant: aggravate, grieve, hurt, sadden, upset...

    wear away 
    • wear away а) стирать(ся), постепенно уменьшать(ся), ослаблять(ся); All those years spent in prison have worn away the prisoner's resistance. б) медленно тянуться (о времени); Winter wore away slowly as she waited for his return....

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