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    fling out 
    • fling out а) разразиться (бранью и т.п.) б) брыкаться (о лошади); Suddenly the horse flung out and the rider was thrown to the ground. в) броситься вон She turned and flung out (of the room) without another word. г) выгонять, исключать Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed. д) отвергать The new law was flung out when it reached the last stage in Parliament. е) предлагать At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion, which the committee were eager to accept....

    prestige fr. noun 
    teen-age adj. 
    commit to 
    • commit to а) предавать, оставлять, посылать, отправлять I commit this evil book to the flames. The boy was committed to the care of his aunt. The criminals were committed to prison. The old man was committed to a hospital for mad people. б) держать обещание, выполнять обязательства He was a good worker who was committed to his family as well as to his work. I must go, I have committed myself to the club tonight and the members are expecting me. The doctor was committed to practical medicine. I should not like to commit myself to an opinion at this stage. в) фиксировать Don't commit your promises to paper. The actor committed the part to memory....

    strip joint noun 
    chuck out 
    • chuck out а) выгонять; выводить, выставлять (беспокойного посетителя из комнаты, общественного места) Two members were chucked out (of the club) for failing to pay the money they owed. A man was employed to chuck out any troublemakers. б) выбрасывать I really must chuck out all thoseold newspapers. в) выгонять из дома The old lady was chucked out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down. г) отклонять (предложение, закон и т.д.) The committee considered your suggestions but chucked them out because they would cost too much. д) сболтнуть It was unfortunate that you chucked out that remark. е) портить что-л. Our plans were chucked out by bad weather. chuck together а) писать, строить наспех This book looks as if it's just keen chucked together. б) устраивать встречу кому-л. Jim and Mary were chucked together by the war....

    get up 
    • get up а) вставать, подниматься (тж. на гору) The hill was so steep that the old car had difficulty getting up. б) садиться (в экипаж, на лошадь) в) усиливаться (о пожаре, ветре, буре) There's a wind getting up. I hope the boats are safe. г) дорожать (о товарах) д) подготавливать, осуществлять; оформлять (книгу); ставить (пьесу) The children are getting up a play for next week. е) гримировать, наряжать; причесывать to get oneself up тщательно одеться, вырядиться Mary got herself up in a nice new dress. ж) поднимать (якорь) з) вспугнуть дичь и) усиленно изучать что-л. How quickly can you get up this piece for the concert? I have to get up a talk for the club's next meeting. к) раздражать, наживать себе врага (against) I hope you don't get up against the director in one of his bad tempers. л) доходить до чего-л. (to) The history lessons get up to the year 1642 and then stop м) выкинуть, сделать что-л. плохое или странное (to) Whatever will the students get up to next? Has that cat been getting up to its silly tricks again?...

    be out а) не быть 
    • be out а) не быть дома, в комнате и т.п. б) расцветать The roses should be out next week. в) быть старомодным Long skirts are out one year and in the next. г) заканчивать(ся) The sun will shine before the day is out. д) совершать ошибки в чем-л. I was out in my calculations. No, I'm sorry, you're a long way out if you think that. е) быть напечатанным; становиться известным it's no use trying to keep it a secret, the story is out now. When will the next magazine be out? ж) отступать (о приливе) When the tide is out, the sand stretches for a long way. з) (о луне, солнце, звездах) появляться Look, the moon is out, isn't it beautiful. и) прекращать работу из-за расхождения во мнениях The miners will be out until their demands are met. к) быть вынужденным покинуть группу, коллектив If they find out what you did with the club money, you'll be out on your ear! Anyone, who refuses to accept the new committee is out at once. л) не принимать во внимание, не рассматривать In view of the increased cost, I'm afraid a new car is out this year. м) выпускать из тюрьмы When will you be out? I shan't be out for another year yet. You could be out sooner if you behave yourself. н) быть без сознания When he was out for more than ten minutes, we got worried. At the first blow, he was out for the count. He could be hurt, he's out like a light о) выдаваться (об официальном документе) There's a warrant out for your brother-are you hiding him from the police? п) не работать (обычно из-за повреждения) The telephones are out along most of the coast since the storm....

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