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    pin down 
    • pin down а) заставить кого-л (выполнить обещание, сдержать слово и т.д.), поймать на слове; припереть к стене; связать обещанием; See if you can pin the chairman down to an exact date. We shall have to pin him down to his promise. б) точно определить, установить; At last we were able to pin the trouble down to a fault in the machine. It is difficult to pin down the exact meaning of this verb. pin down to связывать (напр. обещанием)...

    counter III 4. v. 
    • counter III 4. v. 1) противостоять; противиться; противоречить чем-л. (with) Always counter your opponent's attack with a strong return. The chairman countered the committee member's suggestion with another question. The trade union leaders countered the government's offer with further demands. to counter a claim - опровергать утверждение...

    come over 
    • come over а) переезжать; приезжать Why don't you come over to our place one evening? б) переходить на другую сторону в) получать преимущество г) охватить, овладеть a fear came over me мной овладел страх д) быть понятым Did his speech come over? е) менять мнение Don't worry about the chairman, he'll soon come over (to our opinion). Many members of the opposition are coming over to our party. ж) постепенно изменяться (о погоде, небе и т.д.) The sky came over dark while I was working....

    be above 
    • be above а) быть выше, чем что-л., кто-л. There's a branch above you - can you reach it? б) быть в большем количестве, чем что-л., кто-л. The number of students in each class must not be above twenty. в) иметь более высокий ранг The captain of a ship is above a seaman. г) быть безупречным, вне подозрений, выше критики Her action during the fire was above reproach. The chairman's decision is not above criticism....

    fall flat 
    • fall flat потерпеть неудачу The chairman's suggestion fell flat at the meeting; no one thought it a good idea. The boys' joke fell flat, their parents did not think it funny....

    go by 
    • go by а) проходить (о времени) Saturday afternoons go by like lightning! б) проходить мимо You've missed the bus, it just went by. в) судить по You can't go by what he says, he's very untrustworthy. You make a mistake if you go by appearances. г) руководствоваться I go by the barometer я руководствуюсь барометром д) проходить незамеченным I know you were late again this morning, but we'll let that go by; I wanted to speak to you about something else. е) действовать в соответствии с чем-л. Our chairman always goes by the rules. go cahoots делить поровну расходы и доходы...

    ci-devant fr. adj. 
    fling out 
    • fling out а) разразиться (бранью и т.п.) б) брыкаться (о лошади); Suddenly the horse flung out and the rider was thrown to the ground. в) броситься вон She turned and flung out (of the room) without another word. г) выгонять, исключать Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed. д) отвергать The new law was flung out when it reached the last stage in Parliament. е) предлагать At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion, which the committee were eager to accept....

    shop 1. noun 
    • shop 1. noun 5) attr. цеховой; shop committee - цеховой комитет; shop chairman amer. - цеховой староста to come to the wrong shop - обратиться не по адресу - all over the shop - get a shop - lift a shop - shut up shop...

    close with 
    • close with а) вступать в борьбу The two men closed with their attackers. б) принимать предложение, заключать сделку After hours of talking about the price, the shopkeeper at last closed with the salesman's offer. The two ministers didn't close with each other until near the end of the meeting. в) заканчивать что-л. чем-л. The priest closed the meeting with a prayer. г) be closed with иметь конфиденциальную встречу I'm sorry, you can't go in that room, the chairman is closed with the director for an urgent meeting....

    patch 2. v. 
    • patch 2. v. латать; ставить заплаты; hills patched with snow - холмы, местами покрытые снегом - patch up а) чинить на скорую руку; заделывать; подправлять; His trousers were patched up, and he was ashamed of them. б) улаживать (ссору); Have Jim and Mary patched up their quarrel yet? The director and the chairman seem to have patched up their differences of opinion. в) делать что-л. небрежно г) coll. подштопать, заштопать, подлечить; After the car crash, the driver was taken to the hospital to be patched up....

    charge with 
    • charge with а) обвинять The prisoner is charged with attempted robbery. The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels. б) возлагать ответственность на кого-л. Isn't she rather young to be charged with the care of small children? The chairman was charged with the duty of calling all future meetings. How do you choose the officials who will be charged with fulfilling these duties? в) be changed with быть полным каких-л. качеств His poetry is charged with strength and feeling....

    fall on 
    • fall on а) нападать; набрасываться The hungry children fell on the food. The soldiers fell on the enemy. б) выпадать на чью-л. долю It falls on me to thank our chairman for his speech. в) приступать к чему-л. He fell on the new idea and in the course of time wrote an important book about it. г) достигать Sunlight fell on the water, making it shine. д) приходиться на какое-л. число Christmas Day falls on a Thursday this year. My birthday falls on a Sunday....

    put forward 
    • put forward а) двигать, выдвигать вперед; Why don't you put your chair forward, to get a better view? б) выдвигать, предлагать (идею; чью-л. кандидатуру); A suitable answer has already been put forward by the chairman. Several people have been put forward for the chairmanship. в) передвигать вперед (о стрелках часов); My watch was slow so I put it forward five minutes. г) переносить на более ранний срок; We shall have to put the meeting forward because of the holiday next week; can you all be here this Friday? д) ускорять; The warm weather has put the crops forward by a month....

    kick about 
    • kick about а) перебрасывать(ся) Those boys aren't playingfootball properly, they're just kicking the ball about. б) разбрасывать I found this book kicking about upstairs, is it yours? в) существовать Is the same chairman still kicking about? I thought he had left years ago. The idea of world government has been kicking about for a long time, but no one seems to take it seriously. г) придираться, отдавать ненужные приказы The directors will find that times have changed; they can no longer kick the workers about and make them do whatever they want. д) обсуждать The committee kicked your suggestion about for over an hour before deciding that they could not accept it....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
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