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    discharge 2. v. 
    • discharge 2. v. 4) нести свои воды (о реке) (into) The river Thames discharges itself into the sea some miles east of London....

    empty 3. v. 
    • empty 3. v. 3) впадать (о реке) (into) All the rivers on the east side of England empty into the North Sea. This river empties itself into the ocean many miles away....

    rise 2. v. 
    • rise 2. v. 7) быть в состоянии справиться; The company has risen above its early problems, and is now doing well....

    retire 1. v. 
    • retire 1. v. 2) оставлять (должность); уходить в отставку; Jim's uncle retired from the railway company....

    hound out 
    • hound out изгонять, выгонять с позором When his employers discovered his shameful past, they bounded him out (of the company)....

    gain on 
    • gain on а) нагонять The second horse is gaining on the leader, and may pass it and win! б) вторгаться, захватывать постепенно часть суши (о море) The sea has been gaining on the east coast of England for many years. в) добиться (чьего-л. расположения)...

    nor` pref. 
    • nor' pref. в сложных словах означает северо-; напр.: nor'east - северо-восток; nor'west - северо-запад...

    buy up 
    • buy up а) скупать The company bought up all the other cinemas and so became free of competition. б) закупать Housewives, afraid of running short, have bought up all the sugar in the shops....

    choice 2. adj. 
    • choice 2. adj. 2) разборчивый, осторожный to be choice of one's company - быть осторожным в знакомствах Syn: see excellent...

    indemnify v. 
    • indemnify v. 2) освободить (от наказания, материальной ответственности) (for - за) The insurance company will indemnify you for the cost of living elsewhere while the fire damage is repaired....

    expand v. 
    • expand v. 3) развивать(ся) (into) The director plans to expand the firm into an international company....

    assure v. 
    • assure v. 4) страховать to assure one's life with/in a company - застраховать жизнь в страховом обществе Syn: ensure, guarantee, promise Ant: imperil, jeopardize, warn...

    boost up 
    • boost up а) подпихивать, помогать подняться The small girl had to be boosted up onto the large horse. б) поддерживать The company needs boosting up, if it is not to he defeated by its competitors. Jim is not very cheerful; he needs a holiday to boost him up....

    remit v. 
    • remit v. 5) посылать по почте (деньги); kindly remit to Mr. N - прошу (просим) уплатить мистеру N; Please remit the full cost to the company....

    group 1. noun 
    • group 1. noun 5) chem. радикал Syn: band, body, company, gang, party, troop, troupe see faction...

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