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    partner 2. v. 
    • partner 2. v. 2) делать (чьим-л.) партнером; ставить в пару (с кем-л.) (with); The lady of the house had no difficulty in partnering off her attractive daughter with a rich young man....

    faint 2. adj. 
    • faint 2. adj. 5) приторный, тошнотворный faint heart never won fair lady prov. - сробел - пропал; робость мешает успеху...

    bend before 
    • bend before подчиняться, уступать; соглашаться I'd advise you to bend before the old lady's wishes....

    hold onto 
    • hold onto а) стараться сохранить что-л. We should hold onto the house and sell it later when prices are higher. б) находить поддерсщжку в чем-л. The old lady had only her religion to hold onto when all her family had gone....

    uncertain adj. 
    • uncertain adj. 3) неопределенный; in no uncertain terms - в недвусмысленных выражениях; a lady of uncertain age - дама неопределенного возраста...

    beguile out 
    • beguile out обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money....

    beguile out of 
    • beguile out of обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money....

    beguile into 
    • beguile into обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money....

    address 1. noun 
    • address 1. noun 4) pl. ухаживание to pay one's addresses to a lady - ухаживать за дамой Syn: see speech...

    intimidate v. 
    • intimidate v. пугать; запугивать, устрашать (into) The salesman intimidated the old lady into signing the paper, by threatening to take away the goods. Syn: browbeat, bully, cow, daunt, dismay, overawe, terrorize Ant: blandish, encourage, enhearten, induce...

    clean 4. v. 
    • clean 4. v. 1) чистить to clean of - отчистить от чего-л. Can you clean the coat of these dirty marks? Lady Macbeth felt that it was hopeless to try to clean her hands of the blood....

    hand in 
    • hand in а) вручать, подавать (заявление) to hand in one's resignation подать прошение об отставке б) посадить (в машину и т.п.) Part of a gentleman's duty in former times was to hand a lady in when she entered her carriage....

    hand out 
    • hand out а) выдавать, раздавать Aunt Mabel likes to hand out advice to the young people, whether they want it or not. б) coll. тратить деньги в) помочь сойти, выйти As the lady tried to step down from the carriage, the gentleman politely handed her out....

    settle II v. 
    • settle II v. 13) leg. закреплять (за кем-л.); завещать; to settle an annuity on smb. - назначить ежегодную ренту кому-л.; The old lady settled a small fortune on the young man who had helped her. - settle down - settle for - settle in - settle up Syn: see decide...

    bear away 
    • bear away а) выиграть (приз, кубок и т.п.); выйти победителем Tim bore away most of the prizes at the races. б) быть захваченным, увлеченным чем-л. Lady Mice was borne away with joy when her child was given back to her. в) уезжать, отправляться When all the people were on board, the boat bore away....

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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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