Российская Информационная Сеть


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     выборка описание
    entomb v. 
    • entomb v. 1) погребать (in) The miners were entombed in the cave when the roof fell in....

    scrabble v. 
    • scrabble v. 3) карабкаться; The climber scrabbled about wildly for a handhold, but missed and fell to his death....

    fall about 
    • fall about coll. падать от хохота All the guests fell about (laughing) when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes....

    crush in 
    • crush in повредить, ранить The heavy steel beam fell, crushing the workman's head in. The car door was crushed in during the accident....

    bellow 2. v. 
    • bellow 2. v. 1) мычать, реветь (о животных); орать The bull has been bellowing out all morning. The fireman bellowed out a warning as the burning roof fell....

    fiddle 2. v. 
    • fiddle 2. v. 2) вертеть в руках, играть (with - чем-л.) It's so annoying, the way she keeps fiddling (about) with her hair....

    muffle 2. v. 
    • muffle 2. v. 1) закутывать, окутывать (часто muffle up); And in his mantle muffling up his face...great Caeser fell....

    be above one`s head 
    • be above one's head быть слишком сложным для чьего-л. понимания I wanted to hear the speaker, but most of what he said was above my head, so I fell asleep....

    pant 1. v. 
    • pant 1. v. 5) говорить задыхаясь; выпаливать (обыкн. pant out); The runner panted out his message, then fell unconscious to the ground....

    crumple v. 
    • crumple v. 3) свалиться, рухнуть (тж. crumple up) A shot was fired; the man crumpled up and fell dead....

    snatch 2. v. 
    • snatch 2. v. 1) хватать(ся), ухватить(ся) (at); to snatch at a chance - воспользоваться случаем; The climber snatched at the rope, but missed and fell to his death....

    droop 2. v. 
    • droop 2. v. 3) повесить, понурить (голову); потупить (глаза, взор) (тж. droop down); His head drooped down and a few moments later he fell asleep....

    drone 2. v. 
    • drone 2. v. 2) бубнить, читать, петь монотонно (тж. drone on) As the teacher droned on, one by one the class fell asleep. Whatever is the speaker droning on about now?...

    grab 2. v. 
    • grab 2. v. 1) схватывать, хватать; пытаться схватить (at/for/onto) The climber grabbed for the rope, but missed and fell to his death. Grab onto this board, we'll save you from falling through the ice!...

    plump II 2. adv. 
    • plump II 2. adv. 1) внезапно; he fell plump into the water - он бултыхнулся в воду...

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
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  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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