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    be ahead of 
    • be ahead of быть впереди кого-л., чего-л., опережать кого-л., что-л. For a few minutes Jim was ahead of all the other runners, until his greatest competitor passed him. That boy is always ahead of his fellows. A great painter is usually ahead of his time....

    fidelity noun 
    • fidelity noun 2) точность, правильность with greatest fidelity - с большой точностью...

    • priceout завышать цены; One of the dangers of the Common Market is that it may price out British meat....

    the quality 
    • the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people)...

    lack 2. v. 
    • lack 2. v. 2) не хватать, недоставать he is lacking in common sense - ему не хватает здравого смысла Syn: see require...

    run 1. noun 
    • run 1. noun 9) средний тип или разряд; the common run of men - обыкновенные люди...

    immunize v. 
    • immunize v. иммунизировать (against) Scientists have not yet discovered a trustworthy method of immunizing people against the common cold, although they have been working on it for many years....

    statute law 
    prevalent adj. 
    • prevalent adj. 2) rare преобладающий; превалирующий Syn: abundant, ample, common, copious, plentiful, prevailing, rife, widespread Ant: occasional, scanty...

    exquisite 2. adj. 
    • exquisite 2. adj. 3) острый (об ощущении) Syn: fine,graceful, polished, refined, soigne Ant: clumsy, coarse, common, gauche, rough, untutored, vulgar...

    name 1. noun 
    pantaloon noun 
    • pantaloon noun 1) pl.; usu. amer. брюки; rare кальсоны; Hallah wears the stylish tunic and pantaloons common in Kurdistan....

    hedge 2. v. 
    • hedge 2. v. 1) огораживать изгородью (часто hedge off, hedge in) These fields, which used to be common land, were hedged in by law during the 18th century, and have been privately owned since that time....

    in the name of 
    • in the name of а) во имя; in the name of common sense во имя здравого смысла; б) от имени; именем; in the name of the law именем закона; in one's own name от своего имени...

    usual 1. adj. 
    • usual 1. adj. обыкновенный, обычный; as usual - the usual thing; Syn: accustomed, common, conventional, customary, habitual, ordinary, regular, wonted Ant: occasional, specific, unparalleled, unusual...

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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
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  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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