выборка | описание |
cabinet noun
- cabinet noun 5) attr. правительственный, министерский - cabinet council - cabinet crisis - Cabinet Minister - cabinet decision - Cabinet system of government - Cabinet Office...
stick to
- stick to а) приближаться; The ship had to stick to the shore because of the heavy mist; б) придерживаться; When writing an article, stick to one style throughout; в) стараться сохранить; He made every effort to stick to the job that he had; г) продолжать усердно работать; If you stick to practising the piano every day, you could become quite a good musician; д) следовать, быть верным чему-л.; Whatever your argument, I shall stick to my decision....
bear in mind
- bear in mind помнить, принимать во внимание You must bear your parents' needs in mind when you make your decision. There are so many questions to he borne in mind. We must bear in mind that the younger people might not like the idea....
cross over
- cross over а) переходить, пересекать, переезжать, переправляться Cross over at the traffic lights, where the road is safe. He crossed over to the window to see if it was still misty. If we had a boat we could cross over to the island. б) сменить политическую ориентацию The Minister has threatened to cross over to the other side if the government refuses to accept his decision. The politician crossed over and joined the Opposition....
bounce back
- bounce back а) выздоравливать, восстанавливаться Small children often catch diseases, but they soon bounce back. б) иметь результат, эффект Whatever decision the directors take, it will bounce back on the future of the firm. bounce out выгонять кого-л. Two members were bounced out (of the club) for failing to pay the money they owed....
hold to
- hold to а) держаться, придерживаться (мнения и т. п.) Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. б) настаивать to hold smb. to his promise настаивать на выполнении кем-л. своего обещания to hold to terms настаивать на выполнении условий...
arrival noun
- arrival noun 3) принятие, достижение (соглашения и т.п.) arrival at a decision - принятие решения...
refer back
- refer back а) возвращать для нового рассмотрения; The decision must be referred back to the committee, as there is now fresh information to be considered. б) справляться, наводить справки; отослать (к чему-л. уже известному, упоминавшемуся и т.п.); In requesting an answer, it is wise to refer back to earlier letters. May I refer you back to my earlier remarks on this subject?...
stick with
- stick with а) стоять рядом с кем-л.; stick with me and you won't get lost; б) продолжать усердно работать; I know it's not easy at first, but stick with it and it will soon seem easier; в) действовать в соответствии с чем-л.; I'll stick with my decision; г) оставаться на одном уровне (с соперником); Jim was able to stick with the leading runner for most of tile race until he weakened and had to drop back; д) продолжать обращать внимание на кого-л.; Stick with me for a few more minutes and you'll see the point of the story; е) оставаться лояльным к кому-л.; Thank you for sticking with me when all the others deserted me....
side-step 2. v.
- side-step 2. v. 3) уклоняться, обходить; to side-step an issue - обходить вопрос; to side-step a decision - откладывать решение...
man 1. noun; pl. men
- man 1. noun; pl. men 2) в устойчивых сочетаниях: а) как представитель профессии: - man of law - man of letters - man of office - man of the pen б) как обладатель определенных качеств; сочетания типа family man, self-made man, medical man, leading man, etc. см. под family , self-made , medical , leading etc. - man of character - man of courage - man of decision - man of distinction - man of mark - man of note - man of family - man of genius - man of ideas - man of pleasure - man of principle - man of no principles - man of no scruples - man of sense - man of straw - man of taste - man of worth...
abide v. ; past and past part. abode, obs. abided
- abide v. ; past and past part. abode, obs. abided 2) следовать чему-л., выполнять что-л.; действовать в соответствии с чем-л.; придерживаться чего-л. to abide by a peaceful policy - придерживаться миролюбивой политики to abide by the umpire's decision - подчиниться решению рефери - abide by the terms...
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