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    overlook v. 
    • overlook v. 2) обозревать; смотреть сверху (на что-л.); a view overlooking the town - вид на город сверху...

    render 2. v. 
    • render 2. v. 7) book. сдавать(ся) (часто render up); The citizens were forced to render up their town to the conqueror....

    perch I 2. v. 
    • perch I 2. v. 4) usu. past part. помещать высоко; town perched on a hill - город, расположенный на холме; The house was perched on an overhanging cliff in a most dangerous position....

    board I 2. v. 
    • board I 2. v. 2) столоваться (with - у кого-либо) Jim is boarding with Mrs King while he's in town. - board in - board out...

    repose in 
    • repose in а) отдыхать; покоиться (в чем-л.); He was asleep, reposing in an armchair. The body of the dead leader reposed in the cathedral for the people to pay their respects. б) заключаться (в чем-л.); The chief attractions of this holiday town repose in its peace and fresh air....

    talk 1. noun 
    • talk 1. noun 5) слухи, толки; предмет разговоров, толков; it is the talk of the town - об этом толкует весь город...

    crawl 1. v. 
    • crawl 1. v. 3) кишеть (насекомыми) (with) The cheap room was dark, dirty, and crawling with spiders. Don't buy that meat, it's crawling with flies. After the explosion, the town was crawling with soldiers....

    come upon 
    • come upon а) натолкнуться, напасть неожиданно I came upon this old photograph in the back of the drawer. б) предъявить требование в) лечь бременем на чьи-либо плечи г) охватывать кого-л., случаться с кем-л. Fear came upon him as he stood in the empty house. Bad luck has come upon us ever since we bought that old bed. д) атаковать The enemy came upon the town by night. е) вспоминаться Suddenly it came upon me where I had seen her before....

    neighboured adj. 
    • neighboured adj. a beautifully neighboured town - город с красивыми окрестностями; - ill neighboured - sparsely neighboured place...

    astir 1. adj.; predic. 
    • astir 1. adj.; predic. 2) возбужденный, взволнованный the whole town was astir with the news - весь город был взволнован новостью...

    scout I 2. v. 
    • scout I 2. v. 2) разыскивать; Trust you to scout out the best restaurant in town. - scout about/around/round...

    corporate adj. 
    • corporate adj. корпоративный, общий - corporatebody-corporate responsibility - corporate town...

    run 1. noun 
    • run 1. noun 2) короткая поездка; a run up to town - кратковременная поездка в город...

    bombard 2. v. 
    • bombard 2. v. 1) бомбардировать (with - чем-л.) For a whole week, the little town was bombarded with enemy shells until the citizens were forced to yield. The machine was made so that the army could bombard the enemy castle with bits of broken rocks...

    one-horse adj. 
    • one-horse adj. 4) coll. бедный; второстепенный, незначительный; мелкий; захолустный; one-horse town - захолустный городишко...

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