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    parley 2. v. 
    • parley 2. v. 1) вести переговоры, договариваться; обсуждать; We must send our most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners....

    rasp out 
    • rasp out проскрипеть (что-л.); сказать отрывисто, хрипло; "Help me, I'm dying of thirst," he rasped out. The officer rasped out an order....

    orderly 2. adj. 
    • orderly 2. adj. 5) дежурный; - orderly book - orderly man - orderly officer Syn: natty, neat, tidy, trim see systematic Ant: chaotic, disorderly, messy, untidy...

    fall in 
    • fall in а) проваливаться, обрушиваться б) mil. становиться в строй, строиться The officer fell the men in. в) истекать (о сроке аренды, долга, векселя) fall in (with) а) случайно встретиться, столкнуться; б) уступать; соглашаться, быть в согласии с кем-л....

    suspend v. 
    • suspend v. 3) временно отстранять, исключать и т.п. (from); The officer was suspended from duty while his case was examined; to suspend a student - временно исключить студента Syn: see postpone...

    naval adj. 
    • naval adj. (военно)морской, флотский; -navalarchitect-naval communications - naval forces - naval officer - naval service - naval stores...

    commission 2. v. 
    sell out 
    • sell out а) продать, распродать Have you sold out all the tickets yet? б) продать (в чужие руки); ликвидировать (фирму) Green's in the High Street are selling out. в) coll. предать кого-л.; стать предателем The officer was charged with selling out to the enemy....

    security noun 
    • security noun 9) attr. относящийся к охране, защите - security suspect - security officer - security risk Syn: see pledge...

    reduce v. 
    • reduce v. 3) понижать в должности и т.п.; to reduce to a lower rank mil. - понизить в звании; The officer was reduced in rank, for dishonourable action. For frequent absences from committee meetings, the chairman was reduced to ordinary membership....

    combatant 2. adj. 
    • combatant 2. adj. 1) боевой, строевой - combatant forces - combatant officer - combatant value - combatant zone - combatant arms...

    public 1. adj. 
    • public 1. adj. 1) общественный; государственный; public opinion - общественное мнение; public opinion poll - опрос населения по какому-л. вопросу - public man - public office - public officer - public official - public peace -public debt...

    push forward 
    • push forward а) торопиться; стремиться вперед; The officer ordered the soldiers to push their advance forward. б) продвигать; способствовать осуществлению; Whatever happens, we must push forward with our plans to increase production. The newspaper report has certainly pushed the idea forward....

    detail 2. v. 
    • detail 2. v. 2) mil. выделять; наряжать, назначать в наряд; (тж. detail off) A small group of men were detailed off for burial duty. The officer detailed a small party off and put them to clearing the road. The soldiers were detailed off to dig ditches. detail drawing детальный чертеж...

    fall out 
    • fall out а) выпадать The wind blew so strongly that the nest turned upside down and three baby birds fell out. б) mil. выходить из строя The officer will fall the soldiers out when he has finished speaking to them. в) случаться it so fell out that случилось так, что г) ссориться Jim and Mary fall out every few weeks, but their quarrels never last. Most married people fall out over 0money. When did you last fall out with your husband?...

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