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spoken adj.
- spoken adj. устный; разговорный; spoken language - устная речь Syn: see verbal...
strong 1. adj.
- strong 1. adj. 9) крепкий, грубый; strong language - сильные выражения, ругательства...
recriminate v.
- recriminate v. обвинять друг друга; отвечать обвинением; It's natural to want to recriminate against someone who has tried to put the blame on you....
artificial 1. adj.
- artificial 1. adj. 2) притворный artificial year - гражданский или календарный год (в отличие от астрономического) Syn: ersatz, false, synthetic see artistic Ant: genuine, natural...
labour 2. v.
- labour 2. v. 1) трудиться, работать (at/over) Don't labour at/over your writing, try to make it seem easy and natural....
unparliamentary adj.
- unparliamentary adj. непарламентский, противный парламентским обычаям - unparliamentary language...
correspond v.
- correspond v. 1) соответствовать (with, to); согласовываться Find a word in your own language which corresponds to 'beautiful.' Her photograph corresponds with the description that he gave us....
resort 2. v.
- resort 2. v. 1) прибегать (к чему-л.), обращаться за помощью (to); to resort to force/compulsion - прибегнуть к насилию, принуждению; Poets sometimes resort to strange uses of the language....
wording noun
- wording noun редакция, форма выражения, формулировка Syn:language, verbiage, vocabulary...
wealthy adj.
- wealthy adj. 2) изобилующий, обильный (in); language wealthy in nuances - выразительный язык Syn: affluent, flush, loaded, opulent, prosperous, rich, successful Ant: destitute, insolvent, penurious, poor...
combine with
- combine with сочетать; смешивать When rising prices are combined with a lack of jobs, many people suffer and the nation becomes poorer, if he can combine his natural ability with hard work, he should be very successful....
resource noun
- resource noun 1) usu. pl. ресурсы, средства, запасы; natural resources - природные богатства...
communicate v.
- communicate v. 2) сообщаться (with); сноситься (by) It is always difficult to communicate with someone who speaks a foreign language. The girl claims to he able to communicate with the dead. Politicians are often unable to communicate with ordinary people....
formal adj.
- formal adj. 4) правильный, соответствующий правилам; симметричный formal garden(s) - английский парк Syn: affected, ceremonial, ceremonious, pompous, proper, punctilious, ritual Ant: haphazard, improvisatory, informal, natural, spontaneous...
command 1. noun
- command 1. noun 6) владение commandofone'semotions-умениевладетьсобойhehas good/complete/great command of the language - он свободно владеет языком...
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