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    settle 2. v. 
    • settle 2. v. 6) mus. оркестровать; The piece is scored for piano, strings, and drums....

    bite off 
    chunking 2. adj. 
    • chunking 2. adj. большой, неуклюжий chunking piece of beef - огромный кусок мяса...

    clever adj. 
    • clever adj. 2) ловкий; искусный clever piece of work - искусная работа...

    threepenny adj. 
    • threepenny adj. 1) стоящий три пенса; threepenny bit/piece - трехпенсовая монета...

    disagree v. 
    • disagree v. 2) расходиться во мнениях; не соглашаться (about/on/over - о чем-л.) Musicians usually disagree on the way a piece of music should be played. I disagree with you - я с вами не согласен...

    inset 2. v. 
    • inset 2. v. вставлять; вкладывать (in/into) A detailed street plan of the city is inset in a corner of the area map. You will have to inset an additional piece of material into the waistline of the dress to make it large enough for her....

    split up 
    • split up а) разделять(ся), раскалывать(ся); Can you split up this piece of wood? I'll split up the apples so that we can each have one; б) прекращать отношения; Jim and Mary have been quarrelling so much recently that their friends are afraid they might split up....

    describe v. 
    • describe v. 1) описывать, изображать; характеризовать(ся) (as) I would describe him as an excellent teacher. Would you describe this piece of music as well written? The prisoner described himself as an unemployed painter. to describe one's purposes - изложить свои намерения...

    convert 2. v. 
    • convert 2. v. 1) превращать; переделывать (into) A poet is one who can convert ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing. How much does it cost today to convert pounds into dollars? If two chemicals are put together and heated, they can be converted into a completely different substance....

    slip in 
    • slip in а) вкрасться (об ошибке); Misprint are sure to slip in. б) незаметно войти; You can slip in after the first piece of music is played. в) вставлять в разговор (замечание и т.п.); Every time he appears on television, he slips in a mention of his latest book....

    lead into 
    • lead into а) вводить, вставлять (слова, музыку); The pianist led into the next piece of music. This movement leads straight into the next one, without a break. Quickly the speaker led into his main argument; б) приводить к чему-л. (плохому), ввергать; Behaviour like this will lead you into trouble....

    move 2. v. 
    sacrifice 2. v. 
    • sacrifice 2. v. 1) приносить в жертву, жертвовать; to sacrifice oneself - жертвовать собой; to sacrificea piece chess - пожертвовать фигурой; Are you prepared to sacrifice the pleasures of nature to the convenience of city life?...

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