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    degenerate 3. v. 
    • degenerate 3. v. вырождаться; ухудшаться (into - во что-л.) The workers' demands for their rights have degenerated into troublemaking. Everyone needs time to play, but some let it degenerate into laziness. The children in your class need gentle treatment, but don't let your kindness degenerate into weakness....

    equip v. 
    • equip v. 1) снаряжать; экипировать; оборудовать (for; with) This hotel room is not equipped for cooking. What does it cost to equip a young man for the navy? The workers are expected to equip themselves for the job. Did she equip the boy with the correct boots?...

    get ahead 
    • get ahead а) продвигаться The horse that we were hoping would win began to get ahead halfway through the race. б) преуспевать Jane used to be slow in class, but now she is getting ahead, if you want to get ahead in your job, you must listen to advice from more experienced workers....

    mass II 1. noun 
    mean II 1. noun 
    • mean II 1. noun 3) pl., also as sg. средство; способ; the means and instruments of production - орудия и средства производства; it is by no means cheap - это отнюдь не дешево - the means of communication - the means of circulation - the means of payment - means of employment - by all means - by any means - by means of... - by no means...

    commodity noun 
    • commodity noun 4) attr.; econ. товарный - commodity composition - commodity pattern - commodity exchange - commodity capital - commodity production...

    report sick 
    • report sick сообщать о неспособности работать из-за болезни; The workers showed their opposition by reporting sick in large numbers....

    declare v. 
    • declare v. 4) высказываться (for - за; against - против) The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament. The workers declared against the new rules. to declare oneself - а) высказаться; б) показать себя...

    push forward 
    • push forward а) торопиться; стремиться вперед; The officer ordered the soldiers to push their advance forward. б) продвигать; способствовать осуществлению; Whatever happens, we must push forward with our plans to increase production. The newspaper report has certainly pushed the idea forward....

    chevy along 
    • chevy along гнать кого-л., что-л., подстегивать кого-л. Stop chevying me along, I'll walk at my own speed! If you chevy the workers along a bit I'm sure they could do the work faster....

    press forward 
    • press forward а) проталкиваться, пробиваться, устремляться вперед; The crowd, pressing forward to see the Queen, broke the fence. б) coll. продолжать (усиленно делать что-л.); спешить; Whatever happens, we must press forward with our plans to increase production. If we press forward, we can get home before dark....

    cause 1. noun 
    • cause 1. noun 3) дело to support the cause of the workers - защищать дело рабочего класса the cause of peace - дело мира to make common cause with smb. - объединяться с кем-л. ради общего дела - in the cause of science - in a good cause...

    shoulder aside 
    • shoulder aside а) отталкивать/отпихивать плечом That rude man shouldered me aside and got on the bus. б) coll. заставить уступить место (кому-л.) When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work tend to get shouldered aside in favour of experienced workers....

    check off 
    • check off а) записывать что-л. The teacher checked the children's names off as they entered. б) заканчивать работу The workers in this factory check off at 5.00. в) удерживать из заработной платы (профсоюзные взносы и т.п.) This firm has arranged to check off your union membership money from your pay before you get it....

    stay in 
    • stay in а) оставаться дома, не выходить; I'll stay in to wait for his telephone call; б) оставаться на своем рабочем месте (форма забастовки); The factory workers have declared their intention of staying in until their demands are met....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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