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    spatter 2. v. 
    • spatter 2. v. 1) забрызгивать, разбрызгивать, брызгать; расплескивать; Be careful with that brush, you're spattering paint (all) over the floor. Passing traffic has spattered the wall up with mud....

    grow into 
    • grow into а) врастать The old tree has grown into the wall of the building. б) превращаться в) привыкать You need time to grow into a new job....

    project 2. v. 
    • project 2. v. 7) cin. проецировать, демонстрировать (фильм); You can project the picture onto an empty white wall....

    brick 2. adj. 
    • brick 2. adj. кирпичный to run one's head against a brick wall - прошибать лбом стену, добиваться...

    paper 3. v. 
    • paper 3. v. 2) оклеивать обоями, бумагой; We have papered this room in softest grey. Paint won't cover the mark on the wall, we shall have to paper over it....

    run against 
    • run against а) сталкиваться; наталкиваться на to run one's head against a wall стукнуться головой об стену; fig. прошибать лбом стену б) идти, действовать, выступать против кого-л. Jim is prepared to run against the world's best runners....

    peep over 
    • peep over выглядывать поверх чего-л.; He held his son above the level of the wall so that he could peep over....

    size up 
    • size up а) определять размер, величину; Sizing up the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint. б) coll. оценивать, составлять мнение (о ком-л., чем-л.) He tried to size up the reaction of the man....

    bank I 2. v. 
    • bank I 2. v. 2) образовать наносы (о песке, снеге) (часто bank up) The morning began fine, but now clouds are banking up. The wind had banked the snow up against the wall....

    splash 2. v. 
    • splash 2. v. 1) забрызгивать; брызгать(ся) (тж. splash up); Passing traffic has splashed the wall up with mud; to splash a page with ink - залить страницу чернилами...

    bunk up 
    • bunk up а) спать с кем-л. на одной кровати Two of the boys bunked up together. б) sl. заниматься сексом с кем-л. I'd like to bunk up with you. в) помогать кому-л. подняться Bunk me up, over this wall....

    wash over 
    • wash over а) переливаться через край; The waves washed over the sea wall with a loud crashing noise. б) приходить на ум; The thought washed over me that I might never see them again....

    seal up 
    • seal up а) заклеивать, запечатывать Let me add a few words to the letter before you seal the envelope up. б) замазывать (дыру и т. п.) You'd better seal up that hole in the wall....

    beat against 
    • beat against ударять обо что-л. My grandmother used to clean her mats by beating them against the wall of the house. The rain was beating against the windows....

    cob II noun 
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