Российская Информационная Сеть


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     выборка описание
    wash-hand stand 
    wash-bowl noun 
    pipe 2. v. 
    • pipe 2. v. 4) naut. играть захождение (при прибытии на корабль и сходе с корабля должностного лица); The Queen was piped aboard, and all the sailors cheered. When 'the captain left his ship for the last time, he was piped ashore....

    afloat 2. adv. 
    • afloat 2. adv. 4) на борту, на борт (судна) cargo afloat and ashore - груз на борту и на берегу...

    cast 2. v. 
    • cast 2. v. 1) бросать, кидать, швырять; метать; отбрасывать - cast anchor - cast ashore - cast a look at - cast a glance at - cast an eye at - cast light upon - cast a net...

    drive 2. v.; past drove; past part. driven 
    • drive 2. v.; past drove; past part. driven 5) гнать; преследовать (зверя, неприятеля) to drive into a corner - загнать в угол; fig. тж. припереть к стенке driven ashore - выброшенный на берег...

    soap 1. noun 
    • soap 1. noun 3) amer.; sl. деньги (особ. идущие на взятку) to wash one's hands in invisible soap - потирать руки no soap sl. - не пойдет...

    themselves pron.; refl. 
    • themselves pron.; refl. 1) себя; себе; they wash themselves - они моются; they have built themselves a house - они выстроили себе дом...

    boil out 
    • boil out уваривать(ся), выпаривать(ся) You may want to boil out some of the stiffness. Some of the stiffness will boil out when you first wash the cloth....

    take 1. v. 
    • take 1. v. 26) tech. твердеть, схватываться (о цементе и т.п.) - take part - take effect - take leave - take notice - take a holiday - take a breath - take root - take vote - take offence - take pity on smb. - take place - take shelter - take steps - take a step - take a tan - take aback - take aboard - take about - take action about - take umbrage about - take abroad - take across - take after - take against - take along - take amiss - take apart - take around - take as - take as read - take ashore - take aim at - take a shot at - take at word - take away - take back - take below - take by - take down - take it easy - take for - take from - take hard - take home - take in - take into - take kindly - take charge of - take off - take on - take out - take over - take sick - take smb. through smth. - take to smth. - take to smb. - take to a place - take the sea - take to one's heels - take to earth - take unawares - take up - take up with - take up quarters - take upon oneself - take with - take sides with - take liberties with to take it into one's head - забрать себе в голову, возыметь желание to take it lying down - безропотно сносить что-л. to take to the woods amer. - уклоняться от своих обязанностей (особ. от голосования) to take too much - подвыпить, хлебнуть лишнего to take the biscuit sl. - взять первый приз take it or leave it - как хотите; либо да, либо нет Syn: see carry...

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